Publications in Comparative Magnetospheres Siscoe, G. L.: Towards a comparative theory of magnetospheres, in Solar System Plasma Physics, Vol. II, edited.


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Presentation transcript:

Publications in Comparative Magnetospheres Siscoe, G. L.: Towards a comparative theory of magnetospheres, in Solar System Plasma Physics, Vol. II, edited by C. F. Kennel, L. J. Lanzerotti, and E. N. Parker, North-Holland Publishing Co., , Lanzerotti, L. J., and S. M. Krimigis: Comparative magnetospheres, Physics Today. 38, 24-32, Vasyliunas, V. M.: Comparative magnetospheres: Lessons for Earth, Advances in Space Research, 33, , Blanc, M., R. Kallenbach, and N. V. Erkaev: Solar system magnetospheres, Space Science Reviews, 116, , Russell, C. T.: New horizons in planetary magnetospheres, Advances in Space Research, 37, , 2006.

Comparative CME and Magnetosphere Phenomena Magnetosheath Draping Turbulence Accretion/reconnection ICME/Magnetosphere In-transit cooling interchange reconnection CME/Plasmoid Dynamics Acceleration & propagation Close-Field-Line Heating Flares and ring current Eruption Dynamics Reconnection instability scenarios Energetic Particles Shock acceleration Reconnection acceleration Plasmoid-Like Structures BBFs Solar wind examples Reconnection in solar wind

Pre-Eruption Flux cancellation for CMEs & flux buildup for substorms Eruption Instability mechanisms for CMEs and substorms Post-Eruption Heating on closed field lines Current sheets and blobs CME/plasmoid acceleration and propagation In-transit cooling and magnetic transfiguration Particle Energization Reconnection and shock models Sheath Phenomena Draping, turbulence, accretion and reconnection Comparative CME and Magnetosphere Phenomena

Reconnection in Solar Corona and Geotail Same absolute scale in both pictures

Draping in Terrestrial & ICME Magnetosheaths


E14 00deg W11 ICME 10 Hours W02 Kaymaz and Siscoe 2006

Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry in |B| Model and IMP 8 Data Compared Weak field on dawn side

B (nT) East Flank Weak West Flank Strong 1.3 AU Lat = 10 o East-West Asymmetry in |B| In ICMEs CCMC-Cone Model


Top View Front View Dawn-Dusk Draping Asymmetry in IMF Bz

nT |Bz| Boundary of Body

B (nT) B lat (nT) East Flank Strong East Flank Weak West Flank Weak West Flank Strong 1.3 AU Lat = 10 o Lat = 20 o East-West ICME Draping Asymmetry in IMF Bz

Approx. Boundary of Disturbed Solar Wind B lat (nT) 1 AU Longitude (deg) Latitude (deg) East Flank Strong West Flank Weak East-West ICME Draping Asymmetry in IMF Bz Siscoe, MacNeice and Odstrcil 2007

0o0o 45 o 90 o 135 o 180 o Bow Shock Magnetopause 0o0o 45 o 90 o 135 o 180 o Bow Shock Magnetopause Magnetosheath Accretion IMF clock angle Computed Field Strength on Stagnation Streamline in Earth’s Magnetosheath (no accretion)

Measured Field Strength Near Stagnation Streamline in ICME Magnetosheaths (accretion) Magnetosheath Accretion

Similar CME and Substorm Eruption Scenarios Thermal Blast Dynamo Tether Release IMF Connec. Recon. Inst. Config. Inst. Current. Inst. Mass Exchng. MIC Inst. Triggered. Diseqlib. Directly DrivenBlocking-Release Drctly Drvn Blocking-Release Dis- eqlb. Tether Straining R CME SUBSTORM Tether Straining B Mass Loading Disequilib.

Substorm CME Example

Melon-Seed Magnetic Geometry Forbes Mikic and Linker Low Zhang

Forbes’ Model Bo Ba

Ba=8 G 6 G 4 G 2 G 1 G 0.1 G Speed (km/s) Bo=10 G, Density Ratio=1, Cd=0 Distance from Sun Center (Rs) Distance from Sun Center (Rs) Bo=20 G 15 G 10 G 6 G Ba=5 G, Density Ratio=1, Cd=0 Velocity Profiles Obtained with Melon-Seed Model

1313 Cliver et al. (1990) Owens et al. (2005) Elliott et al. (2006) Ave Number Density at 1 AU (cm -3 ) ICME Speed at 1 AU (km/s) (a) (d) (c) (12.4, 12.9) (25.5, 26.4) Gopalswamy et al. (2001) Initial CME Speed (km/s) Mean Acceleration to 0.76 AU (m/s/s) (b) * * * * (65.2, 64.7)

Bo (G)Ba/BoDensity Ratio Speed (km/s)Density (cm -3 ) Green Circle  Turquoise Circle  Red Circle  Orange Circle  Purple Square Purple Diamond  Purple Cross  Green Cross  Red Asterisk 

Forbes CME Hones TPE Slavin et al Distance from Sun (Rs) and Earth (Re) Velocity (km/s) Interplanetary CME Geotail Plasmoid

Pre-Eruption Flux cancellation for CMEs & flux buildup for substorms Eruption Instability mechanisms for CMEs and substorms Post-Eruption Heating on closed field lines Current sheets and blobs CME/plasmoid acceleration and propagation In-transit cooling and magnetic transfiguration Particle Energization Reconnection and shock models Sheath Phenomena Draping, turbulence, accretion and reconnection Comparative CME and Magnetosphere Phenomena Pre-Eruption Forbes/Hughes/Bhattacharjee Eruption Forbes/Hughes/Bhattacharjee/ Reeves Post-Eruption Raymond/Golub/Korreck/Reeves/ Spence van Ballegooijen/Hughes Forbes/Siscoe/Goodrich/Raeder Owens/Crooker/Siscoe Particle Energization Lee/Schwadron/Korreck Sheath Phenomena Farrugia/Smith/Richardson/ Siscoe/Crooker