Math Task Monday Math: Operations and Algebraic Thinking 2. Solve word problems that call for addition of three whole numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. Teacher note: Start with 10 counters in a cup. Then, follow the script.
What’s Hiding? I have some counters in my cup. I take out 3. 7 are left. How many counters were in my cup? Write a number sentence to represent the problem. Use “c” to represent the missing counters.
What’s Hiding? I have some counters in my cup. I take out 3. 7 are left. How many counters were in my cup? What do we know?
What’s Hiding? I have some counters in my cup. I take out 3. 7 are left. How many counters were in my cup? We know the part taken away and the difference. What do we need to find?
What’s Hiding? I have some counters in my cup. I take out 3. 7 are left. How many counters were in my cup? We know the part taken away and the difference. How many counters were in the cup? THE WHOLE!!
What’s hiding? Remember that we are using “c” to represent the missing counters. c-3=7 Model and show your thinking.
What’s hiding? Model and show your thinking. 7 c-3=7 3 c
What’s hiding? Model and show your thinking. 7 c-3=7 c=
Math: Subtraction Concepts Day 1: Lesson 2.7 Subtract All or Zero
Vocabulary Subtract- to take objects from a group or to compare two group. tGMotjBaG4 tGMotjBaG4
Standards Math: Operations and Algebraic Thinking 2. Solve word problems that call for addition of three whole numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. ELA Cross- RF.1.3b- Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. Technology Cross Students will exhibit a proficiency in the use of technology b. Operate a mouse (click, double-click, click and drag, click and hold/draw.
By the end of lesson we should be able to say, “I can….” identify, or know, how many are left when we subtract all or zero. read our sight words in our Math lesson.
Make it real Let’s think about what we did when we added = _____
Make it real Let’s think about what we did when we added = __7___ It stayed the same because we added zero to it. What do you think will happen if we subtract 0?
Make it real What do you think will happen if we subtract 0? 7-0= _____ How would I model it with counters?
Make it real What do you think will happen if we subtract 0? 7-0= _____ How would I model it with counters? How many counters do I cross out? Why?
Make it real What do you think will happen if we subtract 0? 7-0= _7___ How would I model it with counters?
Make it Real What do you think will happen if we subtract 7? 7-7=_____ How would I model it with counters?
Make it real What do you think will happen if we subtract 7? 7-7= ___ How many counters are left?
Make it real What do you think will happen if we subtract 7? 7-7= _0__ How many counters are left?
Listen and learn When you subtract zero how many are left? I am going to model 4-0=____
Listen and learn I am going to model 4-0=____ 4 is my whole. I will start with 4 counters.
Listen and learn I am going to model 4-0=____ Now I am going to take away 0. How many should I cross out?
Listen and learn I am going to model 4-0=____ I crossed out 0 because I took 0 away.
Listen and learn I am going to model 4-0=____ Now I will circle what I did not cross out and count.
Listen and learn I am going to model 4-0=__4__
Listen and learn What if I took all of the counters away? 4-4=_____ I will model and we will see.
Listen and learn What if I took all of the counters away? 4-4=_____ I will model and we will see
Listen and learn 4-4=_____ I will start with 4 counters because it is my whole.
Listen and learn 4-4=_____ Now I will cross out the part taken away.
Listen and learn 4-4=_____ How many are left?
Listen and learn 4-4=__0__ How many are left?
Let’s try one together ____= 5-0 How many counters do we start with?
Let’s try one together ____= 5-0 5! How many are we taking away?
Let’s try one together ____= 5-0 5! How many are we taking away? 0 How many are left?
Let’s try one together __5__= 5-0 5! How many are we taking away? 0 How many are left? 5!
One more together _____ = 5-5 How many counters are we starting with?
One more together _____ = 5-5 5! How many are we taking away? 5!
One more together _____ = 5-5 5! How many are we taking away? 5! How many are left?
One more together ___0__ = 5-5 5! How many are we taking away? 5! How many are left? 0!
Try with your partner on your white board. ___-0=______ (Call on volunteer to explain their thinking)
Try with your partner on your white board. _2__-0=___2___ (Call on volunteer to explain their thinking)
Try one on your own. _____ - 0 = _____ Write it and hide it.
Try one on your own. Count carefully. _____ - 0 = _____ Ready, set……Chin it!
Try one on your own. Count carefully. __6___ - 0 = __6___
Try one more on your own. Count carefully. _____ - ______ = 0 Write it and hide it!
Try one more on your own. Count carefully. _____ - ______ = 0 Ready, set….Chin it!
Try one more on your own. Count carefully. __6___ - __6____ = 0 Ready, set….Chin it!
On your own Got it? Try pages 35 and 36 in your practice book for a class work grade. Need more practice? I will call you to the teacher table.
Math Stations Red Group Green Group: Purple Group: Orange Group: Extended Practice Fluency Grab and Go Boards Technology Word Wall Facts FlashFolder All a Board KhaleceKaderrionJarnell Brandon AmiraAlanaJasmine Makenlee ReaganTimiyaConnor Jaylan JoshuaDavontayDymia G’Marian JaelleIndiaJayden Troy DrezarusCameron
Math Stations Extended Practice Word Wall- choose a word from our math word wall and create an example. All a board- practice addition facts with your group on “Fishing For sums” Fluency - addition and subtraction flash cards- practice with a partner. Timed addition boards on your own. Grab and Go- Pizza subtraction folder at your desk. Technology- marble drop math Teacher Table- skill concept for struggling scholars
Closure Restate objective: I can identify, or know, how many are left when we subtract all or zero. Exit Ticket: Write the answer on your post-it. What is the difference for 5-0? 0156
Math: Subtraction Concepts Day 2-3: Lesson 2.8 Ways to take apart 10 (Materials: pop blocks and color pencils for shading.)
Standards Math: Operations and Algebraic Thinking 2. Solve word problems that call for addition of three whole numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. ELA Cross- RF.1.3b- Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. Technology Cross Students will exhibit a proficiency in the use of technology b. Operate a mouse (click, double-click, click and drag, click and hold/draw.
By the end of this lesson we should be able to say, “I can…” Show and write all the ways to take apart numbers up to 10. Read our sight words in our Math lesson.
Hook /8bfe2a04-00e a29d- 7a20bce6edc2_default/index.html?vi deoId=ref:En_ /8bfe2a04-00e a29d- 7a20bce6edc2_default/index.html?vi deoId=ref:En_255 ThinkCentral Math on the Spot Video for Chapter 2 lesson 8
Connect How could I show subtracting 3 from 7 without writing a subtraction sentence?
Listen and Learn with me Jenny has 5 pennies. What are all the ways she can share with her sister? How could I model with my pop blocks subtracting 0? I can make a train of 5 to show no cubes were taken away.
Listen and Learn with me Jenny has 5 pennies. What are all the ways she can share with her sister? How would I color and draw to show the model?
Listen and Learn with me Jenny has 5 pennies. What are all the ways she can share with her sister? How would I color and draw to show the model?
Listen and Learn with me Jenny has 5 pennies. What are all the ways she can share with her sister? How would I show 5-1?
Listen and Learn with me Jenny has 5 pennies. What are all the ways she can share with her sister? 5-1=4
Listen and Learn with me Jenny has 5 pennies. What are all the ways she can share with her sister? How would I show 5-2?
Listen and Learn with me Jenny has 5 pennies. What are all the ways she can share with her sister? How would I show 5-2?
Listen and Learn with me Jenny has 5 pennies. What are all the ways she can share with her sister? 5-2=3
Listen and Learn with me Jenny has 5 pennies. What are all the ways she can share with her sister? 5-3=____
Listen and Learn with me Jenny has 5 pennies. What are all the ways she can share with her sister? 5-4=____
Listen and Learn with me Jenny has 5 pennies. What are all the ways she can share with her sister? 5-5=____
Let’s try one together Now Jenny has 9 pennies. Shade and cross out to model 9-2=____ in your book on page 82 number 3.
Let’s try one together Now Jenny has 9 pennies. Cross out what is taken away and shade what is left to model 9-2=__7__
Let’s try one together Now Jenny has 9 pennies. Shade and cross out to model 9-3=____ in your book on page 82 number 4.
Let’s try one together Now Jenny has 9 pennies. Cross out what is taken away and shade what is left to model 9-3=__6__ in your book.
Let’s try one together Now Jenny has 9 pennies. Cross out what is taken away and shade what is left model 9-3=____ in your book on page 82 number 5.
Let’s try one more together Now Jenny has 9 pennies. Cross out what is taken away and shade what is left to model 9-4=__5__ in your book.
Let’s try one with your partner. Now Jenny has 9 pennies. Cross out what is taken away and shade what is left to model 9-__=____ in your book. I will call volunteers and non-volunteers To the board to explain what your partner did. 9- ____= ______
Try one on your own. Now Jenny has 9 pennies. Cross out what is taken away and shade what is left to model 9-__=____ in your book. I will call volunteers and non-volunteers To the board to explain what your partner did. 9- ____= ______
On your own Page number 83 in your text book. # I will walk around and check. Got it? Good. Home Work Practice Book page 37 and 38. Need more practice? We will work during RTI time. No Stations today due to Performance Practice.
Closure Restate objective: I can s how and write all the ways to take apart numbers up to 10. Exit Ticket: Which shows a way to take apart 9? a) 10-1=9b) 10-9=1 c) 9+9=18d) 9-1= 8
Math: Subtraction Concepts Day 4-5 Lesson 2.9: Subtraction from 10 or less
Standards Math: Operations and Algebraic Thinking 2. Solve word problems that call for addition of three whole numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. ELA Cross- RF.1.3b- Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. Technology Cross Students will exhibit a proficiency in the use of technology b. Operate a mouse (click, double-click, click and drag, click and hold/draw.
By the end of this lesson we should be able to say, “I can…” subtract numbers from 0-10.
Hook /8bfe2a04-00e a29d- 7a20bce6edc2_default/index.html?vi deoId=ref:En_ /8bfe2a04-00e a29d- 7a20bce6edc2_default/index.html?vi deoId=ref:En_836 ThinkCentral Math on the Spot video for lesson 2.9
Connect 5 2 = 3 What symbol should go inside the circle to make this true?
Listen and learn We have learned how to model subtraction using pictures, counting circles and pop blocks. 5-2=3
Listen and learn We can do the same thing when we write our subtraction problem in a vertical column, or up and down
Let’s Practice Together Model and Draw on page 86. How many vegetables are there?
Let’s Practice Together Model and Draw on page 86. How many vegetables are there? 8! How many were taken away?
Let’s Practice Together Model and Draw on page 86. How many vegetables are there? 8! How many were taken away? 6! 8 -6 How many are left?
Let’s Practice Together Model and Draw on page 86. How many vegetables are there? 8! How many were taken away? 6! 8 -6 How many are left? 2
Let’s Practice Together Model and Draw on page 86. How many birds are there?
Let’s Practice Together Model and Draw on page 86. How many birds are there? 7! How many birds flew away?
Let’s Practice Together Model and Draw on page 86. How many birds are there? 7! How many birds flew away? 4 7How many birds are left on -4the branch?
Let’s Practice Together Model and Draw on page 86. How many birds are there? 7! How many birds flew away? 4 7How many birds are left on -4the branch? 3
On your white board with your partner, page 86 #1 Write the subtraction sentence in a column. When I say “3” Chin it. 1,2,3!
On your white board with your partner, page 86 #1 Write the subtraction sentence in a column
On your white board with your partner, page 86 #2 Write the subtraction sentence in a column. When I say “3” Chin it. 1,2,3!
On your white board with your partner, page 86 #2 Write the subtraction sentence in a column
On your white board on your own, page 86 #3 Write the subtraction sentence in a column. When I say “3” Chin it. 1,2,3!
On your white board with on your own, page 86 #3 Write the subtraction sentence in a column
On your white board on your own, page 86 #4 Write the subtraction sentence in a column. When I say “3” Chin it. 1,2,3!
On your white board with on your own, page 86 #4 Write the subtraction sentence in a column
On your own Page 87, #5-22. I will walk around and check. Got it? Good. Need more practice? Bring your book to the teacher table when I call.
Math Stations Red Group Green Group: Purple Group: Orange Group: Technology Extended Practice Fluency Grab and Go Boards Word Wall Facts FlashFolder All a Board KhaleceKaderrionJarnell Brandon AmiraAlanaJasmine Makenlee ReaganTimiyaConnor Jaylan JoshuaDavontayDymia G’Marian JaelleIndiaJayden Troy DrezarusCameron
Math Stations Extended Practice Word Wall- choose a word from our math word wall and create an example. All a board- practice addition facts with your group on “Fishing For sums” Fluency - addition and subtraction flash cards- practice with a partner. Timed addition boards on your own. Grab and Go- Pizza subtraction folder at your desk. Technology- marble drop math Teacher Table- skill concept for struggling scholars
Closure Restate the objective: I can subtract numbers from 0-10 Exit ticket: What is the difference?
Teacher Note Day 5 Practice Book Page 39 and 40 for Assessment. Chapter Review on Monday. Chapter Test next week on Tues or Wed, depending on skill mastery.