KINGDOMS AND CLASSIFICATIONS By: Asia Hemphill Class: Mr. jones
EUBACTERIA The Eubacteria is one of the three main domains of life. The others are Archaea and Eukarya. The Eubacteria is prokaryotic. Eubacteria are the blame for most human diseases but they help keep you health. Eubacteria doesn’t have nuclei where the DNA is stored. Eubacteria is closed by the cell wall. Eubacteria don’t have a nucleus. The Eubacteria has 5,000 species but this number can increase do to more research. This organism is microscopic.
Plant Kingdoms Plants are the source of our oxygen. The plant kingdom has 300,000 different species it also is the second largest kingdom next to the Arthropods. Plants are multicelled and autotrophic. They have cell walls made of cellulose, which is starch. Plants are green because of chlororphyll where photosynthesis. More advanced plants have a vascular system. Plants reproduce asexual.
Animals Animals are multicellular. They are also heterotrophic. The way they reproduce is sexually. Animals have many cells but they don’t have a cell wall. Animals are eukaryotic. A organism can be in the animal family if it has a vertebrate or a invertebrate. There are more than a million different species. There are 6,000 species of reptiles which are in the animal family.
Fungi o Mushrooms and mold is a type of fungi. o There more than 75,000 species of fungi. o Fungi are eukaryotic and have a cell wall made of chitin. o Fungi get their food through absorption. o Fungi is heterotroph. o Fungis don’t have stomach’s so their food must be digested before it get to the cell wall. o Athletes foot and ringworm are fungi diseases. o Some drugs that have fungi in them cure dieases and stop the rejection of transplanted hearts.
Archeabacteria The archeabacteria lives in very hot places such as deep oceans, volcanic activity. Archeabacteria is unicellular. It is also prokaryotic. They also live in the died sea because they love salt. In 1977 the archeabacteria was thought to be just another bacteria. Carl Whose and George Fox said that the archeabacteria should have it’s own kingdom. The archeabacteria cell wall has a high resistance to antibiotics. This bacteria also reproduces asexually.
PROTIST Protists are microoraganism. They are taxonomy. The educated guess of how many between 65,000 to 200,000. The protists are eukaryotes with nuclear membranes. Protists can be unicellular or multicellular. Some can be autotrophs. Some can even be heterotrophs. Protists can reproduce asexually and sexually.