Colonialism in America
This time in history was also called “The Age of Reason,” or “The Enlightenment ”
Where did that name come from? Unlike Puritans, who believed in “Predestination,” (the fact that God had already chosen whether or not you were going to Heaven) and original sin, the Colonialists believed that man was essentially good, and that allowed them to be optimistic about their future. Also, Science became an important part of society.
What does that mean? To “Enlighten” is to “shed light upon,” or to “provide intellectual or spiritual light” to something. To “Reason” is to “form conclusion, judgments, and inferences from facts or premises.” Basically, once the Puritan colonies dispersed and less control over the people was exacted, people began to think freely and logically. Many people began to think that everything in the world could be explained through reason and Science. Therefore, reason and Science “shed light” upon the world. Hence, the name, “The Age of Reason,” or “The Enlightenment.” Also, Thomas Paine wrote a book entitled “The Age of Reason.”
Who were the men who had influence on society, the so-called “Founding Fathers? Thomas Jefferson-writer of “The Declaration of Independence” and 3 rd American President George Washington-Commander and Chief of the American Revolution, and 1 st President of the United States. John Adams-2 nd President of the United States. Thomas Paine-writer of “Common Sense” and “The Age of Reason.” Benjamin Franklin-man of all trades! Patrick Henry-writer of famous “Speech at the Virginia Convention” (remember “Give me liberty, or give me death? Sometimes called the “Father of the Revolution.”
Focus of the Period Why were writers writing, and what were they writing about? Think three P’s! Politics-about the possibility of new leadership Persuasion-sway the public in favor of independence Public-many of the writings were public pamphlets or articles in magazines or newspapers (by the end of the war, there were nearly fifty newspapers and forty magazines.
Almanacs What are they? An annual publication containing a calendar for the coming year, the times of such events and phenomena as anniversaries, sunrises and sunsets, phases of the moon, tides, etc., and other statistical information and related topics.