Marilyn S. Billings Presented by Lenka Němečková
Communication ◦ Learning (what do we mean by) scholarly communication? ◦ Benefits of IR, authors rights, Creative commons ◦ Educate ourselves ◦ Teach others – what does OA mean, why they put their dissertations in Faculty Librarians Students Workshop CASLIN 2009,
Planning ◦ What might we do for planning as an IT person? ◦ Other planning Staff Money – where? – to start + to keep going (budget) Content!!! – easy first (dissertations) Vision and goal Users – specific target groups Constraints SWOT analysis to come up with constraints Workshop CASLIN 2009,
Early adopters – people willing to work with us first ◦ Survey after having learned about scholarly communication – faculty survey What kind of content they have Would they be interested in having IR and what content they would put in? How important each f the piece of work is ◦ From survey - about 1000 faculty members, Interested faculty Their content Their priority Different content for different group of faculty – many examples ◦ = much better success in having people participate Workshop CASLIN 2009,
Talking points about the Digital Repository service ◦ What ◦ Why ◦ How ◦ Benefits Workshop CASLIN 2009,
Staffing – thinking about the staff ◦ IT staff ◦ Librarians – nervous about learning new things Workshop CASLIN 2009,
Content – the most important ◦ What - The type of content ◦ How to get it in Secretaries Graduate assistance / library IT ◦ Quality faculty peer review of journals / dissertations librarians ◦ Metadata Who will do metadata part – catalogers at a library – new role Workshop CASLIN 2009,
Publicity / Marketing ◦ Outreach ◦ News office ◦ Brochures (handout) targeted to faculty ◦ Seminars ◦ Bulletins / library journals ◦ Website ◦ Name of the repository Workshop CASLIN 2009,
New roles for librarians – all over the diagram Start learning piece by piece - some examples: Authors rights and creative commons ◦ talk to the faculty while doing research ◦ Creative commons are coming closer with Science commons ◦ Putting older research up to the repository Workshop CASLIN 2009,
Define what we are ◦ Conduct environmental scan ◦ What the university needs + expects Learn about software solution Learn about scholarly communication ◦ Information literacy Other similar universities Survey of faculty ◦ Educate through survey ◦ Find out the content ◦ Early adopters (People who want to play with us) Workshop CASLIN 2009,
Decide IR software + staffing ◦ Name Create marketing tools ◦ „Talking points“ ◦ Open access ◦ Brochures, etc… Start to work ◦ Early adopters, seminars ◦ Structure of IR University faculties Departments (communities) Research papers Dissertations ◦ Create RSS feed Workshop CASLIN 2009,
Publicize + use ◦ Website Education ◦ Outreach to Future faculty Future students Open education resources for teaching and learning ◦ Free textbooks ◦ Learning materials ◦ Link through e-learning / course management SW Workshop CASLIN 2009,
Journals ◦ OA journals? Workshop CASLIN 2009,
Lenka Němečková