Witch and Wizard By: James Patterson
Would you like to read something else by this author? After reading Witch and Wizard I was eager to read more of James Patterson’s books. These are A FEW of his books
What made you want to read more I want to read more of his books because of his style I loved how he wrote Witch and Wizard because of how he describes things like how much the prison stinks!
Anything else that made you want to read more? I also love his choice of writing. Writing about two kids that are Witches and Wizards is a pretty original and creative topic. That’s another reason of why I want to read more of his books.
More to say about reading more of his books? I also enjoyed reading Witch and Wizard because of how he writes. What I mean by that is that I could feel like I was there and I got a picture in my head of what’s going on.(takes a very good author to do that) Those are reasons why I would want to read more of his stories!
Summary Just in case you didn’t read the book here's a little summary! Witch and Wizard is about two kids Whit and Wisty who are Witches and Wizards. They get taken away by there parents because of the N.O. (the new order) which is a new way of life for the town. They get thrown in jail for the use of dark arts (magic) even though they didn’t even know how to control there powers. They team up with the other “dark arts users” to help get rid of the N.O. Can they make it find out in Witch and Wizard By: James Patterson!
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