Wrap-up CS 370 Computer Game Design Ken Forbus Spring, 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

Wrap-up CS 370 Computer Game Design Ken Forbus Spring, 2003

Overview Some administrative stuff Where we’ve been in this course Course evaluations Hangout/Problem solving

Administrative stuff Term project write-ups are due June 11 th, noon –Report submitted via , as usual. One report per team –Include code (source + binaries) on CD –Your report should include what you did and why (and who did what) how well it all worked out – the good, the bad, and the ugly What did you learn from the experience? –What would you do differently next time?

Our model of game design STORY The kind of experience you want the player to have. Plot and activities, expressed in terms of an imagined world MODEL The rules and laws of the game’s imagined world. Its ontology, physics, and sociology IMPLEMENTATION The software and hardware that implements the model and provides the player’s experience

Our model of game design STORY The kind of experience you want the player to have. Plot and activities, expressed in terms of an imagined world MODEL The rules and laws of the game’s imagined world. Its ontology, physics, and sociology IMPLEMENTATION The software and hardware that implements the model and provides the player’s experience Inform focused us on this level

Our model of game design STORY The kind of experience you want the player to have. Plot and activities, expressed in terms of an imagined world MODEL The rules and laws of the game’s imagined world. Its ontology, physics, and sociology IMPLEMENTATION The software and hardware that implements the model and provides the player’s experience The Sims, Age of Kings AI exercise focused us on this level

Our model of game design STORY The kind of experience you want the player to have. Plot and activities, expressed in terms of an imagined world MODEL The rules and laws of the game’s imagined world. Its ontology, physics, and sociology IMPLEMENTATION The software and hardware that implements the model and provides the player’s experience Only touched on this as it affects design

Interactive fiction Plot structures –Linear versus branching –How to achieve dramatic arc when player has a lot of control? Events and puzzles –Finding levels of modeling that support the story NPC’s –The difficult art of conversation Inform –Good libraries and languages are critical

Game AI Roles for AI in games –Opponents, allies, bit players, the world itself Some basic techniques –Search, finite state machines, production rules In-depth look: AI in Age of Kings –Builder, tactical, and strategy AIs –Programming your own strategy AIs

Modeling and Simulation Finding the right level of abstraction –Coherent world, where activities are neither too dreary or too high-level –Concrete enough to stimulate the player’s imagination, abstract enough to avoid stifling it Programming complex worlds –Whole courses can be done on this In depth example: The Sims –Edith programming –Compare: Actions in Inform versus actions in The Sims

Gameplay Sid Meier: “A game is an interesting series of choices” –How you make them and what they are are the mechanics of the game Easing players into complex worlds Imposing a narrative structure on simulations –How to bring game to a close –Keeping outcome uncertain enough to maintain involvement

LeBlanc’s taxonomy of sources of fun 1. Sensation Game as sense-pleasure 2. Fantasy Game as make-believe 3. Narrative Game as drama 4. Challenge Game as obstacle course 5. Fellowship Game as social framework 6. Discovery Game as uncharted territory 7. Expression Game as self-discovery 8. Masochism Game as submission

Getting projects done Mechanics –Proposals, milestones, progress reviews Working in groups Hitting the ship date –Aka “The Final Exam Party” in this case!

Course evaluations Please give us your constructive feedback –What worked? –What didn’t work? –What should we keep doing as we’re doing? –What should we change, and how? CTECs on-line –You have until June 15 th to fill them out –Please fill them out!!!

Some advice for the party Do setup early Always have someone at your game Make sure that both Rob and I see it Have fun!