SEEVET-Net Conference of VET Institutions in Tirana, September 2008 Supported by: ERISEE, ETF and CARDS Twinning project for Central Europe Goal: initiating the process of establishing the regional network of VET institutions in SEE
Representatives of the VET centres/agencies: Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, BiH, Serbia and Montenegro, and guests from Netherlands, Italy and EU Goal: defining objectives and interests for forming the Regional VET network, priorities and manners of cooperation among VET institutions, as well as participating in joint projects Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina National VET Agency of Albania European Training Foundation
In order to provide successful cooperation of all institutions interested for membership in SEEVET-Net, it is necessary to: Find joint interest Defining clear objectives and guidelines for their achievement Defining mutual rights and obligations in the implementation of joint projects
Exchange of information and experience from the neighbouring countries which face similar problems in terms of the lack of qualified workforce in certain sectors Mutual learning: NQF, LLL and VET, improvement of social partnership in the VET sector
The election of the SEEVET-Net Chairman: Duško Rajković elected, the director of the VET Centre Montenegro Planned activities : - Signing of the Cooperation Agreement (besides Montenegro, the following countries are willing to sign the Agreement: Albania, BiH, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova and Serbia - Drafting Rules of the Procedure of the SEEVET-Net
In December 2010, the VET Centre sent the Draft Rules of the Procedure and the Cooperation Agreement to the countries interested in networking CEP gathered all the feedback which were considered at the meeting of the ERISEE Steering Committee in the March 2011
Representatives of BiH, Croatia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, EC, ETF, CEP, KulturKontakt, OECD and TFBHC Discussion on the existing proposals for creating clusters in vocational education Two clusters created: - Modernizing VET – improvement of performance, quality and attractiveness of the VET system, proposed by the Romanian Ministry of Education - NQF Development, proposed by the Croatian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
The main goal of the Kick off meeting was to agree upon the cluster’s objectives and timeline and to decide on cluster’s outputs The event was an opportunity for starting the dialogue among EU member states and SEE partner countries in the field of education and training, in particular in view of creating a platform for mutual learning, disseminating examples of good practice, increasing quality and performance, bridging the shortage of expertise in particular policy areas and supporting reforms in national education and training systems overall. The key output of the Cluster will be a Compendium of Good Practices in Improving performance, quality and attractiveness of VET which will facilitate the creation of knowledge, the support for policy development, and inputs for policy in action and policy evaluation.
ETF proposed that Mr. Rajkovic, as a SEEVET-Net Chairman attend the meeting of EVTA General Assembly SEEVET-Net Chairman presented the main objectives and priorities of establishment of the Regional Network EVTA members expressed great willingness to cooperate with the Network by publishing the text in their Newsletter
Du ško Rajković Centre for Vocational Education, MONTENEGRO