LIGHTING Let there be Light
AESTHETICS Realist –Normal lighting-Sitcoms. Modernist –Slightly abstract - film noir Post Modernist –Draws attention to the lighting effects: Rock Concerts Batman Forever
COLOR OF LIGHT Degrees Kelvin White balance –Video-electronically within camera –Film-stock/filters must match light –Color plates 3-4, following p. 252 Daylight K Tungsten K –Chart p. 184
INSTRUMENTS I Spotlights –Hard edge –Focus control –Fresnel, Ellipsoidal Floodlights –Soft edge –Little focus control –Scoops, Broads, Softlights
INSTRUMENTS I I Portable –Open faced –Lensed –Variable control Mounting Devices –Stands –Overhead Grid, Batten C-clamps, safety chains
SHAPING DEVICES Filters Scrims-diffusers Barndoors Flags Cookies Gels
CONTROL Patch Bay Control Console-dimmer board Computer control Ohm’s Law p. 198 –W = V x A, A = W/V Inverse square lawp. 199 –L = 1/D 2
MEASUREMENT Incident –Amount of light falling on subject Reflected –Amount of light bounced from subject Ratios –Key-to-fill –Key-to-back –Contrast: Darkest vs. brightest
LIGHT PLOTS Scale & accuracy are important 3-point –Key, fill, back 4-point –Key, fill, back, kicker, background Problems –Shadows, Moving subjects –Single vs. multiple cameras –Low vs. high key
LIGHTING METHODS Single camera –Specific shots by shot Multiple camera –All shots in scene Digital cameras –Care for greater detail