Landscape Photography
Landscape A landscape is a section or portion of scene as seen from a single viewpoint. Scenery is the subject of a landscape image.
Depth of Field Depth of Field (DOF) is that amount of your shot that will be in focus. Large depth of field means that most of your image will be in focus whether it’s close to your camera or far away so that both the foreground and background are largely in focus.
Foreground: The area in the photograph that is closest to the viewer, usually low on the picture frame. Middle Ground: The area in between the Foreground and Background, usually in the center of the picture frame. Background: The area of the photograph that is farthest from the viewer, usually high on the picture frame.
Aperture Aperture is the size of the opening in the lens when a picture is taken. The larger the hole, the more light gets in and the smaller the depth of field. The smaller the hole the less light gets in and the larger the depth of field.
Viewpoint Viewpoint or camera angle is the position of the camera in relation to the shot. (Where the photographer is standing.)
Repositioning your subject within the viewfinder frame and changing the camera viewpoint or camera angle are two simple ways of controlling composition. Photographing from a different viewpoint or camera angle can often add drama and excitement or even bring out an unusual aspect of a subject.
Horizon Line Where the earth meets the sky.
Horizon Line Use the Rule of Thirds.