SRD Mapping Activities Stakeholder Mapping Forum June 5 th and 7 th, 2007 Greenwood Inn & Suites Edmonton & Calgary
SRD Activity Overview Access Update ATS Geo-Administrative Areas Land Use Framework Base Data Initiative –Digital Imagery –Hydrography –Vegetation Inventory
ATS Structure Alberta Township System Feature Classes g g g or cg g g g g - Governing ATS point (MATS) gg or c Section boundary Quarter section boundary Construction line c - Constructed, calculated ATS point m-rr- ttt -ss-NW m-rr- ttt -ss-SW m-rr- ttt -ss-NE m-rr- ttt -ss-SE m-rr- ttt -ss-NW,RA m-rr- ttt -ss-SW,RA m-rr- ttt -ss-SE,RA g
Geo-Administrative Areas Over 100 GeoAdministrative Areas captured to Base Features standard ATS v4.1 reconciliation –Linked with update activities Increasing demand for access to SRD/GOA Geo-Administrative Areas Increased availability through AltaLIS –Currently 29 areas available
2006 Imagery Partnership
LUF Base Data Initiative Objective: To provide updated, upgraded or new information related to major base mapping data components: –Aerial Photography / Imagery –Access –Hydrography / Wetlands –Watersheds / Hydrocoding –Vegetation Inventory
2007 Imagery Partnership Central Alberta MD/County Partnership Composed of 14 MD/Counties and SRD in Central Alberta Lead Municipality is the County of Wetaskiwin Comprises about 625 twps Digital Image Sensor –CIR, Colour, Pan Chromatic, DSM –Orthos & Aerial Triangulated Stereo Imagery
2007 Imagery Partnership
Hydrographic Flow Major River LB Major River RB River Representation Primary Flow Line River Representation Secondary Flow Line Island in River Polygon Closure Line Single Line River or Stream Arbitrary Flow Connector Lake Representation Flow Line Island in Lake River Representation Primary Flow Lines Single Line River or Stream Arbitrary Flow Connector Large Rapids Medium Rapids Minor Dam (hydrography point event) Single Line River or Stream Isolated Lake Flow direction established with Single Line Network and DEM. It is reviewed to ensure proper flow.
Drainage Basins of Alberta (2006)
Hydrography Networks Two Hydro Networks created –Simplified Linear Network + Strahler Order –Simplified Linear Network Routes + Hydrocoding Two Hydrocoding Schemas used –Alphanumeric code (names, distances and orientation) –Numeric code with % distances and implied orientation)
Strahler Order Coded Simplified Linear Network (Beaver River Sub Basin) Beaver River Sand River
Summary Access Update of approx twps/year Transition to ATS v4.1. Availability of LSD level of detail Additional Geo-Administrative Areas Hydrography Update commenced. Current focus is to complete update by watershed Hydrocoding data created Opportunity to upgrade/replace existing provincial DEM