Intro to Cloud Computing Windows Azure Overview Top Scenarios Cloud Services Web Sites Virtual Machines Manage & Hybrid
Cloud Computing Patterns t Compute Inactivity Period t t t On and Off On & off workloads (e.g. batch job) Over provisioned capacity is wasted Time to market can be cumbersome Unpredictable Bursting Unexpected/unplanned peak in demand Sudden spike impacts performance Can’t over provision for extreme cases Compute Growing Fast Successful services needs to grow/scale Keeping up w/ growth is big IT challenge Cannot provision hardware fast enough Compute Predictable Bursting Services with micro seasonality trends Peaks due to periodic increased demand IT complexity and wasted capacity Compute
Packaged Software Storage Servers Networking O/S Middleware Virtualization Data Applications Runtime You manage Infrastructure (as a Service) Storage Servers Networking O/S Middleware Virtualization Data Applications Runtime Managed by vendor You manage Platform (as a Service) Managed by vendor You manage Storage Servers Networking O/S Middleware Virtualization Applications Runtime Data Software (as a Service) Managed by vendor Storage Servers O/S Middleware Virtualization Applications Runtime Data Networking
Identity Virtualization Data Platform Development DevOps and mgmt
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“Windows Azure scores 3 times higher than Amazon EC2 on average.” “Windows Azure … provides 5x more value than Rackspace on average.”
Cloud Storage Opportunity
Highly durable and scalable Multiple copies of your data Financially backed SLAs Storage for objects, tables, drives Supports REST APIs
Windows Azure Storage Defend against regional disasters.
Simple and fast on-ramp to Azure Active data instantly available locally Archives less used data to Windows Azure Recover data from any internet connection Reduce enterprise storage TCO by 60-80%
SQL Server Management Studio Reliable off-site data backup for SQL images Easily restore databases using VMs Benefits Backup and restore database to the cloud
Backup datacenter data to Windows using System Center Data Protection Manager Backup and recover files/folders from Windows Server 2012 SP1 Benefits Reliable offsite data protection Simple, familiar, integrated Efficient backup and recovery Easy set up Your On-Premises Datacenter
Your Datacenter
Windows Azure Websites
CONTROL COST-EFFICIENCY SharePoint (On-premise) SharePoint Value Prop: Full h/w control – size/scale Roll-your-own HA/DR/scale Value Prop: 100% of API surface area Easy migration of existing apps Roll-your-own HA/DR/scale SharePoint (IaaS) Hosted SharePoint Value Prop: Auto HA, Fault-Tolerance Friction-free scale Self-provisioning, scale SharePoint Service Office 365 (SaaS)
Windows Azure Active Directory
What is a cloud service? What does a PaaS Cloud Service deployment look like for an IT guy?
Cloud Service
PhysicalVirtualSaaS IaaS PaaS
Paas is cheaper Reason: There’s less admin and management work to do Benefit: Organizations spend less supporting applications PaaS is faster Reason: There’s less work for developers to do Benefit: Applications can go from idea to availability more quickly PaaS is lower risk Reason: The platform does more, leaving fewer opportunities for error Benefit: Creating and running applications gets more reliable
Windows Azure Datacenter Service Package Deploy App Code Configure Network
Windows Azure Datacenter Network load-balancer configured for traffic Deploy App Code Configure Network
Windows Azure Datacenter
From Gallery or Developer Deployment Package
1 shared reserved SHARED INSTANCES shared
2 SHARED INSTANCES shared reserved shared
SHARED INSTANCES 1 shared reserved RESERVED INSTANCE 0 reserved
2 shared reserved RESERVED INSTANCE reserved
2 shared reserved RESERVED INSTANCE reserved
Networks in customers’ premises Virtual Networks in Windows Azure
Single Public IP Per Cloud Service
IP: IP: IP: 2001:4898:9:2:--- :e60c:b118:--- IP: IP: IP:
LB 80/443 VPN Tunnel Cloud Service 1 Cloud Service 2 WEB SQL AD/DC/DNS Corp Users
Gallery Images Available Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SQL Server 2012 SQL Server 2014 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 R2 Biztalk Server 2013 SharePoint 2013 Visual Studio 2013 Open Source OpenSUSE 12.3 CentOS 6.3 Ubuntu 12.04/12.10/13.04 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 Enterprise or Standard versions of Web Logic Server 12c or 11g Database 12c or 11g
Per-hour license in the cloud Windows Server Application License Mobility (SA) Per-hour license in the cloud (select few) Microsoft Applications Based upon vendor and product External Applications
Small (moderate IO) 1.75 GB memory 70 GB OS disk 2 Data Disks (1TB) 2 x 500 Max IOPs Medium (high IO) 3.5 GB memory 135 GB OS disk 4 Data Disks (1TB) 4 x 500 Max IOPs Small Medium X-Large Large (high IO) 7.0 GB memory 285 GB OS Disk 8 Data Disks (1TB) 8 x 500 Max IOPs X-Large (high IO) 14 GB memory 605 GB OS Disk 16 Data Disks (1TB) 16 x 500 Max IOPs X-Small (low IO) 768 MB memory 20 GB OS disk 1 Data Disk (1TB) 1 x 500 Max IOPs A6 A7 A6 (high mem) 28 GB memory 285 GB OS Disk 8 Data Disks (1TB) 8 x 500 Max IOPs A7 (high mem) 56 GB memory 605 GB OS Disk 16 Data Disks (1TB) 16 x 500 Max IOPs A5 (high mem) 14 GB memory 135 GB OS Disk 4 Data Disks (1TB) 4 x 500 Max IOPs
What’s included Compute Hardware failure (disk, cpu, memory) Datacenter failures - Network failure, power failure Hardware upgrades, Software maintenance – Host OS Updates What is not included VM Guest OS & Applications, VM Guest OS Updates Customer on-premises network connectivity and intermediary Internet connectivity 99.95% Monthly SLA for VM’s 4.38 hours of downtime per year for VM’s in an availability set
Cloud Base.VHD Identical/similar deployment instances using common OS image as start Capture VM Saves Customized Image to Your Image Library
On-Premises On Premises Virtual Server MyApp.vhd Cloud Provision VM from Image or Disk using portal, script or API
On-Premises Virtual Machine Machine Name: APPSRV1 Memory: 8 GB Cores: 4 Ports: 80/443 for http/https Guest: C:\ Host: C:\VMs\APP-OS.vhd Guest: D:\ Host: D:\VMs\APP-Data.vhd Guest: E:\ Host: E:\VMs\APP-Logs.vhd Cloud Service Name: Virtual Machine Role Name: appsrv1 4 Cores 7 GB Ram Guest: C:\ WAStorage\VMs\APP-OS.vhd Guest: E:\ WAStorage\VMs\APP-Data.vhd Guest: F:\ WAStorageVMs\APP-Logs.vhd Deployment Slot Production Migration Steps 1) Upload VHDs Azure PS or other Tools Add-AzureVHD 2) Create VM Configuration with data disks attached Data Disk 1 = APP-Data.vhd Data Disk 2 = App-Logs.vhd New-AzureVMConfig 3) Create VM New-AzureVM 4) Adjust App for Drive Letters 5) Add Endpoint(s) 80, TCP, http 443, TCP, https TCP Endpoints 80 and 443
CapabilityOS Disk Data Disk Host Cache DefaultReadWriteNone Max Capacity127 GB1 TB Imaging CapableYesNo Hot UpdateCache Setting Requires Reboot Change Cache Without Reboot, Add/Remove without Reboot.
Cloud Service or Web Site Cloud Service SQL Server
Direct Access via VNET AppSubnet ( /16) SQLSubnet ( /16) Web or Worker Cloud Service1 Cloud Service 2 AD SQL Mirror AD Subnet ( /16) ContosoVNet ( /8)
Windows Server 2012 Android Windows Phone 8 Windows RT iOS X86/x64 Macs Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Intune VPN Tunnel AD Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2003
On- Premise App Controller MoveManage Azure IP Orchestrator App Controller Operations Manager Azure MP App Controller Monitor DPM Advisor
System Center Operations Manager + Management Pack for Windows Azure PaaS Monitoring is agentless, use normal API and diagnostics for monitoring IaaS Treat as normal server, including using a SCOM agent Use certs for authentication
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