1 1 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Options Option Basics Option strategies Put-call parity Binomial option pricing Black-Scholes Model
2 2 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Buy - Long Sell - Short Call Put Key Elements Exercise or Strike Price Premium or Price Maturity or Expiration 1. Option Basics: Terminologies
3 3 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 In the Money - exercise of the option would be profitable. Call: market price>exercise price Put: exercise price>market price Out of the Money - exercise of the option would not be profitable. Call: market price<exercise price Put: exercise price<market price At the Money - exercise price and asset price are equal. Market and Exercise Price Relationship
4 4 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Examples Tell if it is in or out of the money For a put option on a stock, the current stock price=$50 while the exercise price is $47. For a call option on a stock, the current stock price is 55 while exercise price is 45.
5 5 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 American - the option can be exercised at any time before expiration or maturity. European - the option can only be exercised on the expiration or maturity date. Should we early exercise American options? American vs. European Options
6 6 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Stock Options Index Options Futures Options Foreign Currency Options Interest Rate Options Different Types of Options
7 7 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Notation Stock Price = S T Exercise Price = X Payoff to Call Holder ( S T - X) if S T >X 0if S T < X Profit to Call Holder Payoff - Purchase Price Payoffs and Profits at Expiration - Calls
8 8 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Payoff to Call Writer - ( S T - X) if S T >X 0if S T < X Profit to Call Writer Payoff + Premium (pages 678 – 680) Payoffs and Profits at Expiration - Calls
9 9 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Payoff and Profit to Call Option at Expiration
10 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Payoff and Profit to Call Writers at Expiration
11 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Payoffs to Put Holder 0if S T > X (X - S T ) if S T < X Profit to Put Holder Payoff - Premium Payoffs and Profits at Expiration - Puts
12 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Payoffs to Put Writer 0if S T > X -(X - S T )if S T < X Profits to Put Writer Payoff + Premium Payoffs and Profits at Expiration - Puts
13 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Payoff and Profit to Put Option at Expiration
14 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Straddle (Same Exercise Price) – page 686 Long Call and Long Put Spreads - A combination of two or more call options or put options on the same asset with differing exercise prices or times to expiration. Vertical or money spread: Same maturity Different exercise price Horizontal or time spread: Different maturity dates 2. Option Strategies
15 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Value of a Protective Put Position at Expiration
16 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Protective Put vs Stock (at-the-money) Page 684
17 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Value of a Covered Call Position at Expiration
18 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Intrinsic value - profit that could be made if the option was immediately exercised. Call: stock price - exercise price Put: exercise price - stock price Time value - the difference between the option price and the intrinsic value. Option Values
19 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Figure 21.1 Call Option Value before Expiration
20 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Restrictions on Option Value: Call Value cannot be negative Value cannot exceed the stock value Value of the call must be greater than the value of levered equity C > S 0 - ( X + D ) / ( 1 + R f ) T C > S 0 - PV ( X ) - PV ( D )
21 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 If the prices are not equal arbitrage will be possible 3. Put Call Parity
22 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Stock Price = 110 Call Price = 17 Put Price = 5 Risk Free = 5% Maturity = 1 yr X = > 115 Since the leveraged equity is less expensive, acquire the low cost alternative and sell the high cost alternative Put Call Parity - Disequilibrium Example
23 Ch20&21 – MBA Stock Price C 10 0 Call Option Value X = Binomial Option Pricing: Text Example
24 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Alternative Portfolio Buy 1 share of stock at $100 Borrow $81.82 (10% Rate) Net outlay $18.18 Payoff Value of Stock Repay loan Net Payoff Payoff Structure is exactly 3 times the Call Binomial Option Pricing: Text Example
25 Ch20&21 – MBA C 0 3C = $18.18 C = $6.06 Binomial Option Pricing: Text Example
26 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Generalizing the Two-State Approach See page 725, get hedge ratio, then compute call price.
27 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 C o = S o N(d 1 ) - Xe -rT N(d 2 ) d 1 = [ln(S o /X) + (r + 2 /2)T] / ( T 1/2 ) d 2 = d 1 + ( T 1/2 ) where C o = Current call option value. S o = Current stock price N(d) = probability that a random draw from a normal dist. will be less than d. 5. Black-Scholes Option Valuation
28 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 X = Exercise price e = , the base of the natural log r = Risk-free interest rate (annualizes continuously compounded with the same maturity as the option) T = time to maturity of the option in years ln = Natural log function Standard deviation of annualized cont. compounded rate of return on the stock Black-Scholes Option Valuation
29 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 S o = 100X = 95 r =.10T =.25 (quarter) =.50 d 1 = [ln(100/95) + (.10+( 5 2 /2))] / ( 5 .25 1/2 ) =.43 d 2 =.43 + (( 5 .25 1/2 ) =.18 Call Option Example
30 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 C o = S o N(d 1 ) - Xe -rT N(d 2 ) C o = 100 X e -.10 X.25 X.5714 C o = Implied Volatility Using Black-Scholes and the actual price of the option, solve for volatility. Is the implied volatility consistent with the stock? Call Option Value
31 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Black-Scholes Model with Dividends The call option formula applies to stocks that pay dividends. One approach is to replace the stock price with a dividend adjusted stock price. Replace S 0 with S 0 - PV (Dividends)
32 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Put Value Using Black-Scholes P = Xe -rT [1-N(d 2 )] - S 0 [1-N(d 1 )] Using the sample call data S = 100 r =.10 X = 95 g =.5 T =.25 95e -10x.25 ( )-100( ) = 6.35
33 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Determinants of Call Option Values
34 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Hedging: Hedge ratio or delta The number of stocks required to hedge against the price risk of holding one option. Call = N (d 1 ) Put = N (d 1 ) - 1 Option Elasticity Percentage change in the option’s value given a 1% change in the value of the underlying stock. Using the Black-Scholes Formula
35 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Figure 21.9 Call Option Value and Hedge Ratio
36 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Buying Puts - results in downside protection with unlimited upside potential. Limitations Tracking errors if indexes are used for the puts. Maturity of puts may be too short. Hedge ratios or deltas change as stock values change. Portfolio Insurance
37 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Solution Synthetic Put Selling a proportion of shares equal to the put option’s delta and placing the proceeds in risk-free T-bills (page ) Additional problem Delta changes with stock prices Solution: delta hedging But increase market volatilities October 19, 1987
38 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Hedge Ratios Change with Stock Prices
39 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Hedging On Mispriced Options Option value is positively related to volatility: If an investor believes that the volatility that is implied in an option’s price is too low, a profitable trade is possible. Profit must be hedged against a decline in the value of the stock. Performance depends on option price relative to the implied volatility.
40 Ch20&21 – MBA 566 Hedging and Delta The appropriate hedge will depend on the delta. Recall the delta is the change in the value of the option relative to the change in the value of the stock. Example (page 767): Implied volatility = 33% Investor believes volatility should = 35% Option maturity = 60 days Put price P = $4.495 Exercise price and stock price = $90 Risk-free rate r = 4% Delta = -.453