Conference or Meeting Name 1 THE HIGHWAY SAFETY MANUAL Michael S. Griffith June 12, 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

Conference or Meeting Name 1 THE HIGHWAY SAFETY MANUAL Michael S. Griffith June 12, 2003

Conference or Meeting Name 2 What is the Highway Safety Manual (or HSM)? Purpose: to provide the best factual information and tools in a useful form to facilitate roadway planning, design, operational, and maintenance decisions based on explicit consideration of their safety consequences

Conference or Meeting Name 3 Targeted Users Primarily, professionals studying the impact of actions on roadway users –Planning, design, and operational studies Secondary users –Management –Educational Institutions

Conference or Meeting Name 4 Outline for Initial Version of the HSM Part I – Introduction and Fundamentals Part II – Knowledge Part III – Predictive Methods Part IV – Safety Management of a Roadway System Part V –Safety Evaluation Glossary

Conference or Meeting Name 5 Part III - Chapter 8 Rural, Two-Lane Roads 8.1.Introduction 8.2.Methodology 8.3.Applications 8.4.Example Problems 8.5.References Appendices

Conference or Meeting Name 6 Prototype Chapter 8 - Overview Scope: Estimates the safety performance of a rural two-lane highway segments and at-grade intersections Applications –Individual segments and intersections –Overall project

Conference or Meeting Name 7 Available in …. 2007, but you don’t have to wait until then to take advantage of …..