Humanistic & Social Development Dan Murphy Sarah Roberts Matt Vaccarelli Tom Honiss
What is Humanistic & Social Development? This model emphasizes self- awareness and choice as a basis for personal growth. In physical education, activities are used to help students understand their personal identity.
The main focus of this approach/ model Emotional Side: Self - Esteem Self – Actualization Personal Meaning Self - Understanding
The main focus of this approach/ model cont.. Social Side: Interpersonal Relationships Sharing Cooperation Tolerance
Curriculum Focus 1.Irresponsibility Refuses to Participate Blames others, makes excuses, ridicules others Is difficult to manage
Curriculum Focus 2. Self Control Does not disrupt others Begins to Participate and Learn Displays Fundamental Self – Discipline Begins to accept responsibility for own actions
Curriculum Focus 3. Involvement Participates willingly in Physical Activity Accepts challenges when participating Shows enthusiasm w/o prompting
Curriculum Focus 4. Self – Responsibility Makes some decisions Takes responsibility for consequences of actions
5. Caring Exhibits behaviors beyond self Cooperates & expresses concern for others Demonstrates willingness to help Provides support for others
Hellison’s Model on.htm on.htm
Other Related Ideas Create a Goal Sheet Character Education Self – Evaluation Talking Bench
Other Related Ideas Cont…. Teaching Values: a.Good Sportsmanship b.Respect c.Teaching Responsibility d.Deemphasizing Winning e.Honesty
Lesson Plan Intro Activity: Number line up Objective: Students will work together cooperatively to line themselves up in order from 1-20 while staying on the balance beam or line
Lesson Focus Nitro Crossing Objective: Students will work cooperatively as a class Students will come a up with a strategy to achieve a goal Students will successfully complete the nitro crossing activity
Closing Reflection activity passing ball Objective: Students will reflect on what they learned from the activities today What have you learned today? How can we work better together next time? What was something you enjoyed about working together today? Did any of your classmates step up as a leader and how did they show you that they were a leader?