Albrecht Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures The following side show has been developed to help parents and students know and understand our pick-up and drop-off procedures for our students at Albrecht Elementary School. Please review this slideshow and contact the elementary office at if you have any additional questions.
Albrecht Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures Arrival to School Children should NOT arrive at school before 7:30 A.M. There is no supervision until that time. When arriving at school, students are to go to their designated supervised locations. A.M. Drop-Off Procedures 7:30 until 8:05 bell to start the school day
Albrecht Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures 4K students are to line up at the north doors in the front of the school by the principal’s office. The principal’s office is located at the front of the school. A supervisor will always be available in this area. A.M. Drop-Off Procedures 7:30 until 8:05 bell to start the school day
Albrecht Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures Students in grades 5K through 2 go to the east primary playground. Students in grades 3 through 5 go to the west intermediate playground. A.M. Drop-Off Procedures 7:30 until 8:05 bell to start the school day
Albrecht Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures A.M. Drop-Off Procedures 7:30 until 8:05 bell to start the school day Students are to be dropped off at the pick- up/drop-off area on the west side of the school. Please move your vehicle as far forward as possible to allow more vehicles to drop off behind you.
Albrecht Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures If you will be coming into the school in the morning for any reason, you may use the six (6) angled parking stalls on the west side of the school. Please don’t park in the pick- up/drop-off area. A.M. Drop-Off Procedures 7:30 until 8:05 bell to start the school day
Albrecht Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures The circle drive in the front of the school is for busses only from 7:30 to 8:00 and 2:30 to 3:00. Please don’t use this area for dropping students off during this time. There is designated parking for our guests from 8:00 to 2:30 in the front of the school. A.M. Drop-Off Procedures 7:30 until 8:05 bell to start the school day
Albrecht Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures If your child is in 5K through 2 nd grade and you wish to drop them off closer to their playground in the morning, they may be dropped of on the east side of the school. You may park on the school side of 5 th Avenue or on 22 nd Street. A.M. Drop-Off Procedures 7:30 until 8:05 bell to start the school day 5 th Avenue 22 nd Street
Albrecht Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures A.M. Drop-Off Procedures 7:30 until 8:05 bell to start the school day In case of inclimate weather, students will be escorted through the front doors and will be supervised inside. 4K - inside the front doors by principal’s office. 5K-gr. 2 - lunchroom. gr hallways outside their classrooms.
Albrecht Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures Other than those eating breakfast, NO other students are to be in the hallways or classrooms prior to the 7:55 bell. Supervision is available outside the school building and all students are to remain there until the morning bell rings. The first bell rings at 7:55 and school begins at 8:05 P.M.; students arriving after 8:05 A.M. will be counted tardy. A.M. Drop-Off Procedures 7:30 until 8:05 bell to start the school day
Albrecht Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures P.M. Pick-up Procedures 2:50 bell signifies the end of the school day Students are dismissed from school at 2:50. All students are to exit out the north exits at the front of the school.
Albrecht Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures Parents and non-school personnel are requested to refrain from being in the classroom wings between 2:30 P.M. and 3:00 P.M. If you wish to come into the school to pick up your child, please wait in the lobby area by the main office. P.M. Pick-up Procedures 2:50 bell signifies the end of the school day
Albrecht Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures If a parent wishes to pick their child up before the 3:00 release time, they would need to walk to the front of the school to get them. No student will be allowed to leave the supervised areas until 3:00 in order to let the busses leave the front of the school. A staff member will provide supervision after school until 3:00. P.M. Pick-up Procedures 2:50 bell signifies the end of the school day
Albrecht Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures Students who are being picked up by a parent or guardian at the pick-up/drop- off area will wait on the west side of the school with a supervising teacher until a parent is present. A staff member will provide supervision after school until 3:00. P.M. Pick-up Procedures 2:50 bell signifies the end of the school day
Albrecht Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures Students who are walking or riding their bike will wait with a supervising teacher at the front entrance of the school by the principal’s office until the busses leave at 3:00. P.M. Pick-up Procedures 2:50 bell signifies the end of the school day
Albrecht Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures Entrance doors: All outside entrances other than the front entrance will be locked at 8:05 and will remain locked and closed during the school day to ensure the safety of staff and students. The main doors on the north side of the building will be used by visitors, student helpers, and volunteers. Parents and visitors must check in at the main office and get a visitors pass before going to a classroom. P.M. Pick-up Procedures 2:50 bell signifies the end of the school day