Meet Buddy the Barsail Bear!
Our front entrance.
This is Mrs Clark with Buddy. She is our Head Teacher.
This is Mr Cundy with Buddy. He is our Deputy Head Teacher.
This is Mrs Mavers with Buddy. She is our Principal Teacher.
Here is Buddy with Mrs Kellett and her class Primary 1a.
Here is Buddy with Miss Morrison and her class Primary 1b.
Here is Buddy with Mrs Cassells and her Primary 1 pupils.
Here is Buddy with Mrs Sinclair our Music Teacher.
This is Mrs Baldacci and Mr Thornton with Buddy This is Mrs Baldacci and Mr Thornton with Buddy. They are two of our Classroom Assistants.
This is Mrs Turner and Mrs Black with Buddy This is Mrs Turner and Mrs Black with Buddy. They are the lovely ladies in our Office.
This is Buddy outside the janitor’s office.
Buddy is hungry and he is visiting our dinner ladies in the kitchen!
This is Buddy with Mrs Hubsmith who helps us in the lunch hall.
Here is Buddy posing with some of the Big Buddies.
Buddy is lining up outside the Primary 1 class door.
Some of Primary 1 and Buddy are having fun our library.
Buddy and the boys and girls pointing to where the toilets are.
Buddy is enjoying the listening area.
Buddy is building along with some Primary 1 pupils.
Buddy is enjoying using the computer in the Open Area.
Buddy and Primary 1 enjoying the sun in the infant playground.
Buddy is in the outdoor classroom with Primary 1.
Buddy having fun with Primary 1 in our gym hall.