Lola Comes to Liddleton Written and Illustrated by Jack Keats
Lola was on her way to see her very best friend Johnny in Liddleton. Lola took the train to go into Liddleton for her annual visit.
Lola is always excited to visit Johnny. She loved running around outside and playing, but Lola’s favorite part
Lola’s train had finally arrived in Liddleton, but right away she could tell something was amiss. The clouds around Liddleton were dark and thick, and all the grass was a sickly gray.
As Lola rode her bike to Johnny's house she started to notice something strange. No one was playing outside, and the pumpkin patch was nearly bare! She also took note of the unusually dark skies above.
Lola arrived a Lola arrived at Johnny’s house, and after greeting him, she expressed her concerns, “What’s happened to Liddleton? What’s happened to the clouds?”
Lola arrived a Johnny lets out a long sigh, “It’s Mr. Bussiness’ factories. They started up last year and Liddleon hasn’t been the same since. All of the chimneys pump out thick smoke all day and night!”
Lola was shocked, “that’s awful! Have you talked to Mr. Business or the Mayor about this?” Johnny’s eyes lit up, “well I never thought of that; that’s a great idea! We should go to the factory right away.” And with the that our duo was off to the factory.
After Johnny and Lola talked to Mr. Business he was shocked to learn of the issue his factories had caused. Mr. Business knew he had to change his factories for the sake of Liddleton.
The three couldn’t think of a way to fix the factories on their own, but luckily Johnny had a friend that could be of assistance. Sally the scientist would know what to do. Sally was an expert on air pollution and instantly knew how she could help.
Sally installed scrubbers on the chimneys, so the air would come out much cleaner. Lola had to return home, but when she returned the following year Liddleton was back to normal! The air was clean and the clouds were white. The playground was full and the pumpkins plentiful. Johnny could make pies for all of Liddleton to enjoy!