Population: 32mill Money: Canadiske dollar Language: English and Fransh Size: km² Capital city of Canada: Ottawa Leader of Canada: Prime Minister Stephen Harper Governor General of Canada: Michaëlle Jea Most of the people live in the southern part of Canada Biggest religion is Kristendom Valuta: Dollar(CA) Facts
Hockey is the national sport of Canada Canadians also swim, ski, golf, curl, ride horses, play baseball, football, soccer, tennis and lacrosse. Sports
The first people were the Aboriginal people. Explorers and settlers from Weatern Europe arrived in the 1500s. Canada was named by the French explorer Jacques Certier (1535). The name ”Canada” comes from the Huron and Iroquois word ”Kanata” meaning ”village”. Canada became a country an July 1st, History
Land And water Canada has the world`s longest coastline. There are oceans on three sides - pacific(west), Atlantic (east), Arctic (north) Forests cover almost half of Canada Canada has one-tente of the worlds forests. Nearly one-fourth of all the fresh water in the world is in Canada.
Geography Canada has six main georaphical regions: Appalachia Highland, Canadian Shield, Arctic, Lowlands, Interior plains and Cordillera. Laget av. Christoffer, Tania og Linda