Localized Distance-Sensitive Service Discovery in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 58, No. 9, September 2009 Xu Li, Nicola Santoro, and Ivan Stojmenovic 1 postdoctoral fellow at SITE, University of Ottawa, and CNRS/INRIA, France. 2 University of Waterloo, Canada 3 University of Ottawa, Canada.
Outline Introduction iMesh Protocol Performance Evaluation Conclusions
Introduction Destination Static sensor Moving object
In this work, the authors propose a novel solution to address the distance-sensitive service discovery problem energy saving timely response
Information Mesh Construction Service Provider (SP) Service Consumer (SC) A B C
Information Mesh Construction
Blocking Rule A common node u of the residing rows/columns of two SPs a and b (a≠b) stops the further propagation of the information of a, iff |ua| > |ub| |ua| = |ub| ∩ colline(a, b) |ua| = |ub| ∩ ~colline(a, b) ∩ horizon(b) a b u b u a
Information Mesh Construction
c b a d
Extension Rule A node u, at which an SP-node a orthogonally blocks another SP-node b, sends the information of a to b along the backward path from which it receives b’s information. The information of a does not travel all the way to b but stops at the point where the path intersects the bisector between a and b. c b a u Extension area d
Information mesh in an arbitrary sensor network – no void areas
Information mesh in an arbitrary sensor network – In the presence of void areas
Performance Evaluation Evaluation Metrics Total Number of Construction Messages (TNCM): the total number of messages transmitted in the network for information mesh construction Number of Construction Messages per SP (NCMSP): the average number of messages generated by an SP for the purpose of information mesh construction Number of Search Messages per SC (NSMSC): average number of lookup messages generated by an arbitrary SC (reply messages are not counted)
Performance Evaluation grid networks of size:32 × 32, 45 × 45, ‧‧‧, 100 × 100 SPs are randomly scattered in the network. Percentage of SPs (PSP) in the network varying from 0.1 to 1.5 percent.
Message overhead – 10,000 nodes
iMesh versus Quorum – size 10,000
iMesh versus Quorum – size 1,000
PDOCC iMesh-AiMesh-B
Conclusions In this work, the authors formalize the distance-sensitive service discovery problem information blocking rule information extension rule. Extended to different node densities different topological holes
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