The European Qualifications Framework and the Hungarian National Qualifications Framework in the Vocational Training Programmes of Krúdy
EQF European Commission Directives (from 2000.) appear in all main political objectives and conceptual elements that led to the EQF; the EQF is a direct consequence of the transition to knowledge-based economy, education, training principles formulated in Lisbon : Facilitating the mobility of labor, Making easier the comparison of qualifications, The principle of Life Long Learning (LLL) (Copenhagen Declaration 2002)
EQF: to relate different countries' national qualifications systems to a common European reference framework. Use: to better understand and compare the qualifications levels of different countries , different education and training systems. Levels of national qualifications will be placed at one of the central reference levels, ranging from basic (Level 1) to advanced (Level 8). This will enable a much easier comparison between national qualifications and should also mean that people do not have to repeat their learning if they move to another country.
The core element of the EQF is a set of eight reference levels describing: what the learner knows; what the learner understands; what the learner is able to do, 'learning outcomes' regardless of the system under which a particular qualification was awarded.
Knowledge is theoretical or factual Skills are cognitive and practical Competence is about responsibility and autonomy
The Krúdy EQF team A separate, thematic working group within the project management Members Bajusz Attila Head of Hospitality Csanádiné Retkovszki Edit Instructor Gyömbér Márta Deputy Director Krizbai Ildikó Teacher of English
Our activities (Sept 2010-Apr 2012) Presenting the structure of the Hungarian education system Sept 2010 Learning about the structure of the British education system, preparing a presentation about it for the Krúdy staffMarch 2011 Gothenburg mobility: understanding the Swedish education system Nov 2011 Comparison of the three partners’ training systems, identification of the outputs Nov 2011– Apr 2012
Thank You For Your Kind Attention! Márta Gyömbér - Deputy Director SZKKVSZI Krúdy Gyula Member Institution