CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 1 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Project Sublimity Audio Stereo Class D Audio Amplifier Team Joe Baird Luke Raynor Aaron Taylor Advisor Dr. Osterberg Industry Representative Unknown
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 2 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Overview Introduction Scorecard Additional Accomplishments Plans Issues/Concerns Conclusions
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 3 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Introduction Stereo input, 2.1 Output Much more efficient that typical amplifiers Switching rather than linear Using dsPIC to do DSP filtering
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 4 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Introduction
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 5 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Scorecard Develop idea for project Put together Functional Specifications
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 6 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Plans Define more specific needs for parts Contact Industry Rep for recommendations Define details of feedback loop, DSP
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 7 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Milestones NumberDescriptionOriginal 9/25/06 Previous N/A Present 9/25/06 1Product Approval9/8/0610/04/03 2Plan Approval9/14/0611/21/05 3Mock-Up 1 Built11/16/06 4Parts Chosen11/16/06 6Design Release12/08/06 5Mock-Up 2 Built01/26/07 9TOP’s Approval02/23/0702/15/07 8Parts Integrated & Functional04/13/07 10Founder’s Day04/16/07 11Final Report04/27/07
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 8 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Concerns/Issues Only 12-bit ADC –Use separate 16-bit ADC Switching Noise –Design better filter Putting 10+ amps through proto-board
CS-EE 480 Spring 2006 Sublimity Audio 9 September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Conclusions Brings together multiple disciplines Good challenge for our team Any Questions?