Central Elementary th Grade SAIL into Learning!
Teaching for 8 years 4 years at Central Elementary, 4 years at Old Mill Middle~South Undergraduate: Salisbury University Graduate: Loyola University….almost done!!! 1 more class ~ Reading Specialist Degree
During this time, the students get ready for the day by: Unpacking their book bags into their lockers Getting their materials organized Beginning their morning work
We will focus on: Opinion writing Informative/Explanatory writing Narrative writing Students will keep a Writer’s Notebook and will be encouraged to write daily! There will occasionally be writing homework. Cursive handwriting
Independent & small group projects Additional support for reading Teacher conferences on reading & writing
Monday – Media ~ Ms. Chapman Tuesday – P.E. ~ Mr. S. Music ~ Ms. Brought Wednesday – Art ~ Ms. Morris (Chorus for those who signed Thursday – Computer Lab Friday – Music & P.E.
Build comprehension through a variety of reading materials Programs Used: Treasures (Macmillan/McGraw-Hill) William & Mary Jacob’s Ladder Time For Kids Comprehension Toolkit Teacher Read Alouds~ “Out of My Mind” Greater focus on studies using novels, content related readings, and research Spelling and Vocabulary
Children play on the upper field. Supervision provided by three staff members. Please, no toys or footballs from home.
Fifth grade privilege: Students select seating
We will be following the Common Core Curriculum. As resources, we will continue to use: Envision Math program, Hands on Equations, and M ³ The topics we will explore this year are: Place value Multiplying and Dividing by larger numbers Fractions Graphing Algebraic Expressions and Patterns Decimals Geometry Measurement
In Social Studies, the students will demonstrate an ability to gather information, think critically, and solve problems as needed in order to facilitate responsible decision-making, understand complex ideas, and to generate new ideas. The topics of study this year are: Colonization (1 st Quarter) American Revolution (2 nd and 3 rd Quarter) Democracy (4 th Quarter) We switch with Ms. Farrish/Ms. Leitch
In Science, the students will be using skills and processes to demonstrate thinking in a scientific manner: Constructing Knowledge- asking questions and making observations Applying Evidence and Reasoning Communicating Scientific Knowledge Earth Science Life Science Chemistry Physics Environmental Science
Kindergarten helpers Quiet dismissal
Language Arts and Math every night except on Fridays Weekly reading & nightly read for ENJOYMENT (Student self-selected) Social Studies and Science homework is assigned when necessary. There may be times when students are required to study or finish a major project over the weekend. Recorded in the agenda daily.
Class Dojo will be used in my classroom this year. How can ClassDojo help us? We’ll keep track of behaviors and skills at school Parents (that’s you!) can check out ClassDojo reports anytime We can keep in touch through ClassDojo Messaging You will be able to see reports on these behaviors and skills every day!
Many opportunities for parent / teacher communication AGENDA Website: msstein.yolasite.com~homework and class updates. PHONE: ( ) CONFERENCES (Thanksgiving week or by appointment) WEDNESDAY TAKE HOME FOLDER
Field trips provide an opportunity for your child to learn in a hands-on environment. These are currently being planned and you will receive information as they are finalized. JZ Biztown: December 11 Drownproofing: April 7, 8, and 9 Philadelphia: May 15
Field trip chaperones Tiger Trot Auction Basket Room Parents Copy Parents Volunteer Orientation Sept. 12 th at 9:15 am Your help makes the difference! *Floor Pillows *Indoor Recess Games *Sandwich Sized ZipLoc Bags *Glue Sticks
for taking the time to attend Back to School Night! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning experiences!