Module 1 Our body and healthy habits Introduction
教学目标及任务 教学指导思想:教为主导,学为主体,练为主线, 疑为主轴。真正以学生为中心, 让 学生做学习的主人. 教学重点: 通过对比学习,使学生认识到保持一 个健康体魄的重要性。并能够用英语 表达自己的一些习惯。 教学难点: 完成课文理解, 进行相应的听, 说, 读, 写 训练, 并能够用自己的语言呈现出对健 康体魄的认识。
dentist diet fat fit flu get /catch a cold health rare toothache unhealthy wealthy anxious break (an arm ) captain fever injure injury pain painful normal sweets 1.Which of them are connected with illness? 2.Which word is connected with food ? 3.Which word means usual or ordinary ? 4.Which word means worried about something that may happen ? ______________________ ___________ ______ ______________
Do you know which of the following is healthy or unhealthy food? They are all healthy food!
Besides food, we should also live healthily.
basketball players
Choose the sentences that are true for you, and tell me sth about yourself ( you can add sth more). 1. I sometimes get colds and flu. 2. I eat at least three portions of fruit and vegetables a day. 3. I eat fish once a week or more. 4. I take at least two hours’ exercise a week. 5. I don’t eat much fat, for example, fatty meat. 6. I eat a lot of sweet things, for example, chocolate. 7. I rarely get toothache. 8. I’m quite fit. 一份
Listen to Zhou Kai (1) and answer : 1.Why is Zhou Kai’s mother anxious? 2.What does she think will happen ? 3.What does she ask him to do ? Because he is going out to play football in the rain without a jacket on. She thinks he will catch a bad cold (get ill ). She asks him to at least wear a jacket.
Read Zhou Kai (2) and finish the following exercises. 1.Zhou Kai’s family ________. a. avoid eating too much fat or sugar b. eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and meat 2. Zhou Kai _________. a. sometimes gets colds and flu b. seldom gets colds or flu 3. A week ago, Zhou Kai _________. a. caught a cold b. injured his arm. 4. Two years ago, Zhou Kai _____ while playing football. a. hurt his leg b. hurt his arm.
Listen to Zhou Kai (2) and fill in the blanks. My mother has always made sure we eat very _______ and fresh fruit and vegetables are a very important part of our diet. We don’t eat much ____or ____. I very rarely get colds, although, unusually for me, I had a _____ _____, and a bit of a _____ last week. Two years ago I broke my arm _______ _______. The injury was quite ______ and I couldn’t move my arm for a month. I’m a ______ kind of person, but I’m _______ about football. I’m captain of the class team at school and I’m also a ________ of the Senior High team. healthily fat sugar bad cold fever playingfootball painful normalcrazy member
Read Zhou Kai (1) and Zhou Kai (2) again and write a short passage to describe Zhou Kai according to the following words and phrases anxious, play in the rain, catch a bad cold, sweets, have a good diet, not have a sweet tooth fresh fruit and vegetables, be crazy about football….
Phrases in the passage A possible version: Zhou Kai’s mother was anxious for him when she saw Zhou Kai heading towards the front door to play football in the rain without a jacket on. Because She thought Zhou Kai would catch a bad cold. Actually, Zhou Kai is very fit. He likes eating fresh fruit and vegetables instead of sweets and fat. He doesn’t have a sweet tooth. He is crazy about football and he is also a member on the school team, so he makes sure that he has a good diet.
Work in groups of four, then choose one of you to say how to keep healthy with the following suggestions to help you. 1.How to eat healthily. 2. Do Exercise. 3. Sleep. 4. Keep healthy mentally.