Implications of the new federal requirements for schools. July 2009 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Wisconsin DPI will be collecting Race and Ethnicity Data according to the new Federal Guidelines for the school year. This is the school year of the data, not the school year in which the collection occurs. Some data collections begin prior to the school year, others begin after the end of the school year.
DPI’s interpretation of the Federal Guidelines is that all DPI individual level data collections must collect the specific answers to the two part question. Individual responses are to be maintained locally for a 3 year time frame. Aggregate Collections at DPI will use the new Reporting Categories
Note: Both Part A and Part B of the question must be answered. Part A: Is this student Hispanic/Latino? (Choose only one) No, not Hispanic/Latino Yes, Hispanic/Latino Part B: Is this student: (Choose one or more. You must select at least one.) American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White
Screens on DPI Data collections and Paper forms for individual student or staff records will contain the two part question with the appropriate check boxes. File upload and file download processes for individual level data will utilize a Race_KEY code that maps to the specific combination of choices in the two part question.
◦ Hispanic/Latino of any race, and for individuals who are non-Hispanic/Latino only: ◦ American Indian or Alaska native ◦ Asian ◦ Black or African American ◦ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander ◦ White ◦ Two or more races Individuals included In Hispanic/Latino cannot be included in any other category
DPI has created a crosswalk that will allow districts to map the information from the two part question to determine the correct race key and the correct aggregate reporting category The cross walk can be found at:
RACE_KEYHispanic or Latino (X = Y) Indian / Alaskan Native (X= Y) Asian (X= Y) Black (X= Y) Pacific Islander (X= Y) White (X= Y) Aggregate Reporting Category 0003XXH 0020XX XXH 0034XA 0036XP 0038XXT 0059XXXXT When submitting individual level data, look for the combination of answers provided in the two part question to determine the Race_Key needed for file uploads.
RACE_KEYHispanic or Latino (X = Y, null = N) Indian or Alaskan Native (X= Y) Asian (X= Y) Black (X= Y) Pacific Islander (X= Y) White (X= Y) Aggregate Reporting Category 0003XXH 0020XX XXH 0034XA 0036XP 0038XXT 0059XXXXT When submitting aggregate level data, look for the combination of answers provided in the two part question to determine the aggregate reporting category.
Student Information System ( SIS) Vendors must modify their software ◦ For recording the data collected during enrollment ◦ For reporting to DPI Vendors should provide you with their implementation calendars, taking into consideration the current data collection schedule.
All student level data collections will either be modified per the new federal requirements, or will be integrated to use Ethnicity and Race as collected by WSLS/ISES. Staff Race and Ethnicity data will continue to be collected via the PI-1202 Fall Staff Report and will be modified per the new federal guidance.
Federal regulations require states to report race and ethnic data within the new seven categories Individuals included In Hispanic/Latino cannot be included in any other category Students will be included in exactly one of the seven categories for federal reporting. DPI will use the same crosswalk table to map individual student level data to the aggregate reporting categories.
DPI will continue to use the current 5 reporting categories for AYP (Annual Yearly Progress) reporting until further notice. Possible implications for this reporting are being considered by DPI to determine if any action is required.
Winter 2009/Spring 2010: Districts should modify enrollment forms to collect race/ethnicity based on new regulations. Spring/Summer 2010: SIS vendors should modify their software to accommodate and report based upon the new requirements. Fall 2010 ◦ District enrollment for SY should implement the 2-part question. It is strongly encouraged that Districts allow all students and staff to re-identify. ◦ Data submissions to DPI for School year , including ISES, will be based on new federal regulations.
Go to the DPI webpage on Maintaining, Collecting, and Reporting Racial and Ethnic Data