Beginning Podcasting November 5 th and 17 th 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Creating MP3s with Audacity Posting MP3s with Gcast Podcatching with iTunes During this session, you will practice:
The Three Steps to Podcasting 1. Create your MP3 using Audacity 2. Post your MP3 to an Internet location that uses an RSS feed to syndicate (or send out) your audio 3. Choose a host that will ‘grab,’ store, and update your podcast list every time you post to RSS location. Audacity Tip: Audacity allows you to make MP3s quickly. Remember to use :30 music clips and keep your podcasts entertaining and short! Gcast Tip: Locations like podOmatic or Gcast provide a type of feed (called RSS) which sends your podcasts out to subscribers automatically each time you post a new MP3. iTunes Tip: Sites like iTunes or iPodder ‘gather’ and host podcasts on their server for easy download by subscribers.
Three Must-know Podcasting Terms AGGREGATOR RSS Feed XML An aggregator (iTunes is one example) checks RSS feeds to which you have subscribed—reads them, and ‘grabs’ the new information for you. This way, you only have to check one site for updates on your favorite blogs, news feed, or in our case, podcasts. Gcast An RSS feed (really simple syndication*) is a file format that syndicates regularly changing content (text, audio, or video), allowing us to subscribe to it. Locations like Gcast provide RSS feeds which you use to send your podcasts to subscribers automatically. (*Also RDF Site Summary and Rich Site Summary) XML is the language encoding your RSS feed; it is one standard for textual information exchange between applications on the Internet. XML combines text and extra information about that text (structure, layout, etc.). It helps users share data across information systems—in our case, the Internet.
Today’s goals: Creating Audacity Digital Audio Files: Creating Audacity Digital Audio Files: Recording Recording Pausing Pausing Cutting Cutting Pasting Pasting Importing audio Importing audio Cutting audio Cutting audio Moving tracks Moving tracks Changing volume/intensity Changing volume/intensity Posting Audacity MP3s to Gcast Requesting that iTunes list podcast in directory
November 19 th Goals: Finish creating Audio podcasts and posting them to Gcast and the iTunes directory Finish creating Audio podcasts and posting them to Gcast and the iTunes directory Explore the various options for video podcast creation, conversion, and hosting Explore the various options for video podcast creation, conversion, and hosting MP4s, WMV, MOV files: why does it matter?