Those emperors again: Julio-Claudians (27 BCE-68 CE) Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero Flavians (69-96 CE): Vespasian, Titus, Domitian (Colosseum: 80) Nervo-Antonine Dynasty (98-192) Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Commodus Severans ( ) Septimius Severus, Elagabalus, Alexander Severus
The status of the gladiator: “There is no meaner condition among the people than that of gladiator” (Calpurnius Flaccus, 2 nd century CE) Infamis, importunus, obscaenus, damnatus, perditus
The virtus of the gladiator [Trajan produced] nothing spineless or flabby, nothing that would soften or break the manly spirit of the audience, but a spectacle that inspired the audience to noble wounds and to despise death, since even in the bodies of slaves and criminals the love of praise and desire for victory could be seen. (Pliny, Panegyricus 3.1)
Caligula (reigned CE)
Circus Vaticanus plan and position under Saint Peter’s
Claudius (Reigned CE)
Claudius’ naumachia