Prophesy of The Coming Kingdom Daniel 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8
Nebuchadnezzar's Fall and Rise Daniel 4
Daniel 4 and 5 Chapter 4, written by Nebuchadnezzar. -God brings a powerful man low. Chapter 5, the writing on the wall. -Daniel tells the truth whatever the cost.
Daniel 2 Prophecy! Babylonians 605-539 BCE Persians/Medes 539-330 BCE Greeks 330-27 BCE Romans 27 BCE to 393 CE Prophecy!
Nebuchadnezzar Belshazzar Darius Cyrus Alexander “The Great” And Co. The Caesars
The Roman Empire Daniel 7
List of the First 11 Roman Emperors/Caesars 1-Augustus 27BCE to 14 CE 2-Tiberius 14-37 CE 3-Caligula 37-41 CE 4-Claudius 41-54 CE 5-Nero 54-68 CE 6-Galba 69 CE 7-Otho 69 CE 8-Vitellius 70 AD 9-Vespasian 70-79 CE 10-Titus 79-81 CE 11-Domitian 81-96 CE
Daniel 8 This vision of Daniel is his 3rd regarding futuristic kingdoms. It pertains to the “ram with two horns”=Persian/Medes. Persia would grow more dominant and control that kingdom (which they did under Cyrus) The “goat with the prominent horn” is a likely reference to Greece and Alexander.
The “Broken Horn” After many battles Greece did replace Persia as the dominant power in the world. Alexander was “broken off” in his prime (dying at just 33 from illness). At his death the Greek empire splintered into 4 parts… Daniel saw this 200 years earlier!
God’s Kingdom Daniel 2:44 refers to it as the BEST of all Kingdoms. Luke 17:20-21 Spoken of in Chapter 7:18 as the Kingdom that will be possessed by the saints (those set apart) FOREVER!!! Acts 2:38-39 2 Corinthians 3:17 Ephesians 1:19-23
Conclusions… Daniel is an Accurate fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecies about Cyrus (Isaiah 54)…down to his name and function. Daniel was moved—are you?
….ACCURATE prediction of the next 600 plus years of world political history!
Accurate prediction of the time when God would establish his Kingdom/Church on the earth!