Add to Table of Contents The Rock cyclePage 34 Rock notesPage 35
Rocks Pg. 35 What is a Rock? Rocks = Naturally-occurring mixtures of minerals, mineraloids, glass or organic matter. Mineraloid=opal, Amber, coal, etc.
What is the difference between a rock and a mineral? – Rocks are made up of MORE than 1 mineral. – A rock can have once-living material in it.
Once a rock is formed, does it stay the same rock forever? NO!
Rocks are continually changed by many processes, such as weathering, erosion, compaction, cementation, melting, and cooling. Rocks can change to and from the three types: 1. Igneous 2. Sedimentary 3. Metamorphic
What is the process through which rocks change?(Write now) The Rock Cycle—the process through which earth materials change back and forth among the different types of rocks.
The Rock Cycle
IGNEOUS SEDIMENTARY Weathering, Erosion, Compaction, Cementation Heat and Pressure Melting, Solidification Draw on page 34 METAMORPHIC Weathering, Erosion, Compaction, Cementation
Assignment: Construct a Rock cycle From the Rock Cycle Cutouts. Cutout the arrows and pictures from the “Cutout Sheet”. Glue them in the appropriate place on the “Rock Cycle” Diagram. Answer the questions on the paper. Turn in your paper.