Quaternary Environments Paleoclimate Models
Types of Models Simplify a system to its basic components Types of Models Physical Models Globe Statistical Models Regression Equations Conceptual Models Flow chart Computer Models GCMs Test Hypotheses
Types of Models Energy Balance Models (EBMs) – Surface temperature as a result of energy balance Zero-Dimension – Whole Earth One-Dimension – Earth in zonal bands with latitudinal heat transfer Two-Dimensions – Lat/Long or Latitude/Altitude changes Statistical –Dynamical Models (SDMs) Use parameterized input equations to describe changes through time Radiative Convective Models (RCMs) Radiative processes in vertical columns General Circulation Models (GCMs) Use physical laws to drive all changes Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere GCMs
Statistical-Dynamical Model of variations of Northern Hemisphere ice volume over the last 200,000 years forced by CO 2 and Insolation
Schematic Diagram of atmosphere and ocean computational boxes in a coupled GCM
Levels of Complexity and Coupling of Ocean-Atmosphere Models
Problems With Current Models Expense and Time Resolution Unknown Quantities Cloud cover and feedback Difference in response times between various components of the model Lacking land surface, cryosphere, biogeochemical cycles, and biome components Climate System Models (CSMs) being developed
Estimated Response and Equilibrium Times for Different Components of the Climate System
Model Experiments Are changes in orbital parameters enough to cause a glacial event? Insolation as an input Also needed increased cloudiness, increased soil moister, a shallow mixed layer in the ocean, and lower CO 2 Feedbacks include increased sea ice, lower SSTs in summer, and presence of permanent snow cover on land
Difference in Solar Radiation at the Top of the Atmosphere 115 kya
Modeled Snow Depth in August for 115 kya
Input Parameters for COHMAP Simulation
Output from COHMAP, Split Jet Stream During LGM
Modeling Forward Models can be tested against paleorecords then these models can be used to predict future change Multiple model outputs to estimate future change
Two Environment Canada models showing change from to Differences are based on a change in the depth and vigor of vertical mixing in the Southern Ocean
Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia Scaling down from a GCM through a Regional Climate Model to the landscape