CARBOEUROPE-IP, Poznan, October 2007 ADVISORY PANEL COMMENTS by Roger Francey and Neil Turner The identification of achievements and highlights has been comprehensively addressed throughout the meeting - we find them truly impressive! The significance of your achievements goes well beyond the quantification and understanding of the regional carbon balance – you have pioneered many methodologies with global application. Gaps in work that must be addressed over the next year, in order to meet the reporting requirements to the European Commission, have been identified and, in our view, appear manageable …(we each have relatively minor concerns in the areas of our respective expertise that will be communicated to the executive over the coming weeks).
CARBOEUROPE PUBLICATIONS….. Publication rate is clear evidence of high productivity The large number of important synthesis papers flagged yesterday auger well for an ongoing publication of CE-IP data for years to come. The Advisory Panel can enhance this basic information by commenting on the uniformly high standard of these publications, and
CARBOEUROPE PUBLICATIONS ctd. While the rate of publications will likely level off (and then decline), from a perspective of intellectual capital the rise has been dramatic since 2000 and will continue as long as the newly accumulated data are being mined. This capital is being securely banked in publications and data bases, but more importantly, is banked in the memories of a large and vibrant community of young scientists with good intra communication. This is a situation not easily achieved and is a major strength of Carbo-Europe.
Claire Sarrat et al. – Toulouse, France “Atmospheric CO 2 modeling at the regional scale: Application to the CarboEurope Regional Experiment “ Journal of Geophysical Research 112, 1-8 (2007) Summarises results from the Regional Experiment component of CarboEurope IP Includes authors from a number of countries and organizations Covers a range of vegetation types and management practises While the integration is only for results of 1 day, uses a mesoscale model to integrate results from atmospheric and surface measurements Compares simulations with measurements Highlights and deals with the problem of the sea breeze at the site – new science Brings together the information in a schematic that presents the outcome of the study in a useful and clear way
“Linking flux network measurements to continental scale simulations: ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange capacity under non-water-stressed conditions” Global Change Biology 13, 1-27 (2007) Brings together data from 18 European, 16 North American and 1 Japanese sites Has large number of authors from many countries Data from a range of vegetation types – forests, tundra, grasslands and croplands Links eddy covariance data with physiological parameters – light response and carboxylation rate Physiological parametres differ among vegetation types, but 6 vegetation types covered all data sets Can be used to estimate continental scale GPP Katherine Owen et al. – Bayreuth, Germany
Neil’s and Roger’s highlights (3-4 slides each)
Sarrat et al., JGR 2007
Magnani et al (2007) Nature 447, 848 Not a temperature effect! 1g N→210gC
N deposition – can increase soil C? N fertilization increase plant production Increased plant production increase inputs of carbon to the soil Increased C inputs to the soil increase SOC Fertilized agricultural soils show slightly higher SOC than unfertilized plots but the effect is small (Glendining & Powlson, 1994)
N deposition – could decrease soil C?
Consistency between top-down and bottom-up spatial patterns (Anomaly of 2003) (gC m -2 ) LPJORCHIDEEJULESBIOME-BGC INV-BGCINV-LSCE
C. Gerbig and R. Ahmadov
Today‘s models already capture about half of the fossil fuel CO 2 variability in south-western Germany: A dedicated observation – modelling framework will allow to verify emissions reductions between 7 and 26% within a 5-years commitment period, depending on the pollution level in the catchment area Ingeborg Levin
CONCLUDING COMMENTS We conclude with three recommendations. NOTE: These recommendations would not have been made a week ago. They are firmly and directly based on new information gleaned during the course of the meeting…..
RECOMMENDATIONS 1.98% of CE-IP participants should be declared Polish National Heroes 2.Of this 98%, there is a rumoured behind-the-scenes group referred to as “the fabulous five”. These should earn Double Polish National Hero Status if/when they secure support for CE-IP2! They will need your help! 3.The 2% who are not national heroes should only be considered for this high honour when they have provided full documentation of their data: the methods used to obtain it, clear calibration traceability and quantification of uncertainties! With thanks to W. Malicki