Du, Ihr, and Sie: How do you know which one to use? Deutsch I Frau Spampinato
Du: you, singular & informal “Du” is used for when you are talking to only one person face to face Use “du” only when you are talking to friends, family, and pets, people you know well Do not use “du” and the du-verb form with adults, strangers, and people in positions of authority like policemen, teachers, store clerks, etc.
Sie: You, formal (sing. and plural) “Sie” means “you” when it is capitalized— you use this when you are talking to adults, strangers, and people in positions of authority like policemen, teachers, store clerks, etc. You can use “Sie” and the Sie-verb form with one adult or more (both sing. and plural) When in doubt, use “Sie”—never “du”
Ihr: you (all) “ya’ll” plural form of “you” Standard English does not differentiate between the singular and plural forms of “you” z.B. You do your homework. This is why there are so many different, regional ways to compensate for this lack of clarity. People will say “ya’ll” or “you’s(e)” or “yous guys” or “all’ya’ll” or …?? what else? (are you talking to one person or 2? the whole class?...no clue unless you point or use body language.)
Examples of when to use each pronoun: Hallo! Wie heißt du? Ich heiße Martina, und du? 2 friends, teens the same age
Guten Morgen! Wie heißen Sie?