Do Now: Write the plural form of each compound noun (grammar section) Fund-raiser Attorney-at-law Sister-in-law Nutcracker Stomachache Funny bone Sergeant at arms Color guard Farm hand Workshop
Grades If you have a “M” / zero in Genesis, I do not have the assignment. If I have not gotten around to grading something yet, it will appear blank in Genesis. Come to me before/after school/during lunch OR quietly while everyone is working (NOT while I am teaching) to see what assignments you are missing. Class policy Minor assessments cannot be re-done for a better grade, unless I have specifically made you that offer. Late assignments can be turned in at any point for up to half credit. Extra credit is not offered until later in the marking period (closer to the time that report cards go out).
Types of Nouns (continued) Plural Possessive Contraction Appositive
Plural More than one Usually formed by adding “-s” or “-es” to the end of the noun EX: one dog, many dogs EX: one bush, many bushes
Possessive Who or what owns something Can be singular plural, common or proper Singular nouns and plural nouns not ending in “-s” are formed by adding an apostrophe and then an “-s” EX: my sister’s favorite doll EX: the children’s classmates Plural nouns ending in “-s” are formed by adding only an apostrophe EX: the boys’ coats
Possessive of Singular Nouns Ending in “-s” Usually, add apostrophe “-s” EX: James’s cat EX: Mr. Jones’s attorney EX: Dr. Seuss’s books Exceptions: If the pronunciation is awkward because of the extra “-s” you can just add the apostrophe. Either form is acceptable.
Contraction Made by combining two words into one The apostrophe replaces the missing letter or letters EX: is not = isn’t EX: singer is = singer’s
Practice Work on “Distinguishing Plurals, Possessives, and Contractions” sides 1 and 2
Appositives and Appositive Phrases A noun that is placed next to another noun to add information to it EX: Our science teacher, Mr. Johnson, is the best. Appositive phrase: a group of words that contains an appositive and other words that describe the appositive EX: Janie, my best friend, is coming over after school. Usually, appositives and appositive phrases are set off from the rest of the sentence using commas
Practice Work on “Appositives” sides 1 and 2