Her identity was stolen. the thief opened bank and credit accounts, assumed her entire persona stole her Social Security # and used it to get a job, a driver's license, a mortgage, food stamps and medical care for the birth of two children. All the while, the crook claimed to be the real Gutierrez and that she was the thief Candida Gutierrez 32 year old Houston teacher Although still a US citizen her life was greatly hampered
Background: Christian’s true identity in many if not most cases has been stolen Stolen by false teaching, failure to understand and teach it, etc. Historical: This was known/taught from the 1830’s to ~ 1950 but mainly lost today The Real You: Over the next few weeks your true identity in Christ Start with some background foundational material Aliens: If you are an alien your identity cannot be stolen – you don’t have one So to be clear I am addressing those who have an identity – those who have been born again – those who have believed in Jesus – those who have a heavenly citizenship
IMAGE OF GOD Objective: Foundation #1 – To understand man as created INSIDE OUT Objective: Foundation #2 – To understand man after the fall and after the new birth IDENTITY RECOVERED Objective: How to recover your lost identity IDENTITY TESTED Objective: A test to determine if your lost identity has been recovered INCREDIBLE TREASURE Objective: To know the power of God available to you INHERITANCE OF GOD Objective: To know the completeness and greatness of Christ’s sacrifice for you IN CHRIST Objective: To provide the key to consistent living for the believer
Part 1 Created in the Image of God “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; … God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them”” Genesis 1:26,27 NASB
Revealed (Genesis 1:1 and the entire Bible) First word: – Implies an ending
Revealed (Genesis 1:1 and the entire Bible) Second word: – Created from nothing
Revealed (Genesis 1:1 and the entire Bible) Third word: – Elohim (plural form of name)
Revealed (Genesis 1:1 and the entire Bible) Fourth to Seventh words: - the entire universe - space, time, matter
Restated Father Son Holy Spirit GOD
Life Plants – Body only: God made the seasons (Gen.1:14) Animals – Body and soul (Heb. Nephesh Gen.1:20,21,24) God gave the animals instinct (Jer.8:7) Man – Body, soul and spirit: (1 Thess. 5:23) The spirit of man to commune with God who is spirit
Father Son Holy Spirit GOD Soul Body Spirit MAN
Genesis 2:7 “Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being” 1 Thessalonians 5:23 “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, …” BODY SOUL (PSYCHE) SPIRIT (PNEUMA) Flesh Bones Blood Mind Will Emotions Self Consciousness God Consciousness John 4:24 Worship Natural 1 Corinthians 2:14
Mr. Soul Mr. Spirit GOD The World
Today – Foundation #1 – Man A Perfect Creation What happened to change this picture? Next week – Foundation #2 The Ruin Man separated from the life of God The Remedy God wants to turn you Inside Out Better than Eden