Optical microscopy We want to see more details Magnification Resolution Contrast Simple microscope MENA3100, 22/1-07, OBK
The simple microscope Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1632−1723)
The compound microscope ca Hans Janssen Robert Hook (1635−1703) Micrographia, 1664
Stereo microscope
Compound microscope for transmitted light
Inverted compound microscope for reflected light
Refraction Kromatisk abberation
Spherical abberation
Corrections The objective
Numerical aperture (NA) NA = nsin R = 0,61 /NA Resolution Rayleigh criterion (Raleigh in Brandon and Kaplan)
The limiting factor: Diffraction Oil immersion NA = nsin
Condenser system Eyepice Ocular (okular) More is needed than just the objective
Optical anisotropy Calcite
Amorphous and cubic: Optically isotropic, one refracive index Hexagonal, trigonal, tetragonal: Optically anisotropic, two refractive indices Lower symmetry: Optically anisotropic, three refractive indices
Optically active crystals in the microscope
Michel-Levy chart
Remember that geologists often call their book on microscopy on thin sections for optical crystallography, and microscopy with reflected light is ore microscopy (malmmikroskopi). Some web sites: maintenance: