Step 2 A Few Observations By Linda Pappas
Book Resources First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK 7 th ed. click on ERRATA First Aid Cases for the USMLE Step 2 CK (2 nd edition) corrections coming soon First Aid Q & A for USMLE Step 2 CK (1 st edition) corrections available Crush Step 2 Step Up to USMLE Step 2 NMS Review for USMLE Kaplan Step 2
Book Resources First Aid books for the clerkships MKSAP for Students #4 Q&A from ACP – Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine Lange Q Bank Book Deja Review for Step 2 Appleton & Lange Review Case Files for Clerkships Pretest for Clerkships
Question Banks USMLEworld KaplanQbank USMLERx---from the First Aid authors
Study Plan No magic amount of time – but give yourself time enough to do each content area and then a few weeks to do a lot of practice questions and review weaker areas again Create a plan that gives you certain goals by a certain date
Other Resources NBME assessments (Comprehensive Clinical Sciences Self Assessment) – newest form offers enhanced feedback option sa_main sa_main Provides a good stepping off point
The Exam Itself A “gold standard” exam – it requires “book learning” Vignettes are longer than Step 1 Avoid scanning for high-yield information instead read carefully and think while you read (much like you would process in a patient interview) systematically building a differential. Predict before you look at the answer options If you are not able to predict then eliminate whatever possible If you are unable to make a choice (usually between two) pick one and move on
“Human” Resources Linda Pappas and Michele Millard Patti Marsh is assisting with our appointments so call her at or her at