NASA TECHNICAL STANDARDS 8/01: Partial initial drafts on Wind and Lightning received. 10/01: Initial draft on Radiation received. 5/01: Three HB sections assigned for updating (Wind, Lightning & Radiation). DeliverablesTasks Related: Space Launch & Transportation Systems (SLaTS) Chapter 7 work on natural environment interaction with launch vehicle engineering. 9/5/01: 1 st Updated draft completed. 12/01: Appendix draft completed. 2/11/02: Next coordination meeting. Tasks & Deliverables 12/01: Extremes, Clouds, Constituents, Atmospheres, Storms & Sea State (six) sections started or on-going. Other sections being researched to be tasked.
NASA TECHNICAL STANDARDS Status Status (R|Y|G|TBD|N/A) –Cost=G –Schedule=G –Technical=G –Customer satisfaction=TBD Issues & Resolutions –Issue: Need $60K in FY02 (in USRA Task Agreement) to stay on schedule in the update and review of Standards Terrestrial Handbook. –Resolution: To be determined by availability of resources. $10K (CSC) & $9K 2 nd Gen (USRA) funds obtained and applied. $12K (Standards) and $10K (FY02 Institutional) funding pending. $29K short. Will look to SLI, 2 nd Gen and Shuttle. Comments –None
NASA TECHNICAL STANDARDS Schedule Milestones –Standards HB Update: 2/01-1/02: Literature search for state-of-the-art technology on HB sections. 8/01-10/01: Winds (CSC), Thermal Radiation (CSC), & Atmospheric Electricity (SD) 1 st initial Section drafts delivered. 12/01: Thermal Radiation review started. 3/02: Winds and Electricity sectional drafts to be completed. 08/02: Extremes, Clouds, Constituents, Atmospheres, Storms & Sea State sections started. Drafts anticipated completion by 08/02. –SLaTS: 01/01-01/02: [SLaTS] Related - Space Launch and Transportation Systems (SLATS) work, involving book chapter #7 by ED44. 02/28/01: Initial SLaTS draft submitted. 08/16/01: Red-lined corrections sent back. 09/05/01: Authors meeting and presentation at MSFC. 12/01: SLaTS Appendix A revised. 02/02: Work continuing on chapter 7 document for 02/02 meeting.
NASA TECHNICAL STANDARDS Accomplishments & Plans January Accomplishments –Standards HB Update: Further literature searching continued on HB sections, for update purposes. $12K Standards Program & $10K Institutional funding indicated. Earlier: Draft Sections Received: Partial draft: Wind (CSC/Adelfang) and Lightning (SD/Koshak). Complete draft: Radiation (CSC/Justus). Lightning and Wind section work continuing via Ratheon (Leahy) & CSC (Smith). Work progressing in 6 other sections (Clouds, Extremes, Constituents, Atmospheric Models, Storms & Sea State). Radiation section internal review started. –SLaTS: SLaTS chapter 7 work resumed, after 9/5/01 SLaTS symposium. SLaTS Appendix A revised.
NASA TECHNICAL STANDARDS Accomplishments & Plans Plans - Standards HB Update: Continue literature research, establish section involvement, obtain needed models/documents/etc for HB update. Seek potential funding - needed for HB technical update & review. Continue in determining which personnel, software, databases, etc will be needed and involved in the update of various HB sections. Lightning & Wind section initial complete drafts due in 03/02. Radiation section review to finish. - SLaTS: Continue to work SLaTS chapter 7 document for 02/02 SLaTS coordination meeting.