WELCOME! LOOK AT OUR BELL WORK FOR WEDNESDAY: [5 min] Bell Work: Review Constructed Response Write content and language objective on bell work sheet Share with your group the responses to your two questions from yesterday Make any corrections (improvements) to your responses Before the timer beeps, have one group member turn papers into the blue box
SSR AGENDA [10 min] Sustained Silent Reading: Can a book answer a question you didn’t know you had? Review norms—expectations that you are reading 2 hours a week at home, response in writer’s note book that should be kept in this room, recording pages read/setting goals, and conferring with teacher about your reading life. You may read your choice OR To Kill a Mockingbird. In your note book, finish this sentence: After reading ____pages, I was reminded of____. [2 min] Book Talk Record book on our “Book Talk” list and remember the book goes on the shelf tomorrow
STRATEGY TO APPROACH THE TEXT Talk to Text Norms/Annotations [1 min] Hover over the text to identify roadblock words [1 min] As a group, decide on ONE word that you NEED to know [2 min] One person from your group tells the teacher that word Review T2T Norms [10 min] T2T keeping in mind our unit question. WHAT IS THE NEW FACTOR INTRODUCED THAT DETERMINES SOCIAL CLASS HIERARCHY IN MAYCOMB COUNTY?
ANALYZING TEXT [20 min] Double-entry Journal for Miss Maudie and Scout’s conversation Watch the model on how to set up your double-entry journal Column 1: From the text/explicit (literal meaning) Column 2: Deeper meaning/implicit [2 min] Go back to NEED to know word list—can we explain now?
CONNECT TO UNIT QUESTION [4 min] Exit Ticket “___________” illustrates how religion is a factor in the social class hierarchy in Maycomb County because_________. Write your name, class period, and post your line on the wall.