Does the President have the power to order the bombing of Iraq and Syria to deal with ISIS? Look in Article II section 2 and Article I section 8 of the Constitution. Grab a book off the shelf.
1.I can identify the six basic principles of the Constitution. 2.I can locate examples of the basic principles in the Constitution. 3.I can explain and provide examples of the separation of powers and checks and balances system. What will I learn today?
Article I – Legislative Branch (Congress) Article II – Executive Branch (President) Article III – Judicial Branch (Supreme Court) Articles IV – VII - Federalism, relations between states, amending, ratifying the Constitution Amendments I - XXVII Articles of the Constitution
The Constitution sets out the basic principles upon which government in the United States was built. The Constitution is a fairly brief document. The Constitution is organized into eight sections: the Preamble and seven articles. The original document is followed by 27 amendments. An Outline of the Constitution
Articles of the Constitution
Remove Chicago from the rest of Illinois and make it a separate state? (Article IV Section 3) We need more soldiers for the fight against ISIS, but normal recruitment is not getting the job done. What can Congress do about it? (Article I Section 8) President Obama lies to the American people about the seriousness of the ISIS threat because “Americans are too complacent to realize the threat this group poses in the future. I need to get them fired up now.” Can he be impeached for this? (Article II Section 4) Can we…?
Three of the Basic Principles The principle of popular sovereignty asserts that the people are the source of any and all government power, and government can exist only with the consent of the governed. The principle of limited government states that government is restricted in what it may do, and each individual has rights that government cannot take away. Separation of powers is the principle in which the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government are three independent and coequal branches of government.
Checks and balances is the system that allows the legislative, executive, and judicial branches to check, or restrain, the actions of one another. The principle of judicial review consists of the power of a court to determine the constitutionality of an action of Congress or the President. Federalism is a system of government in which the powers of government are divided between a central government and several local governments. More of the Basic Principles