Mission: To ensure successful literacy achievement for every child. Source: Lesley University, Cambridge, MACompiled by: Hope Stuart
Literacy Achievement Valley Central is committed to literacy achievement for all students. The Literacy Collaborative framework matches VCSD’s current literacy initiatives and provides solid, long-term professional development for our teachers. A liaison affiliated with Lesley University provides consistent support to the school via the Literacy Coordinator. The Literacy Collaborative represents the future of VCSD’s literacy instruction.
Literacy Collaboration This long-term professional development program is a collaborative effort between Lesley University Center for Reading Recovery and elementary schools (K-8).
Literacy Research The Literacy Collaborative program provides a research-based instructional model that is: Student-centered Language-based Process-oriented Literacy Collaborative ties research-based literacy methods together into strong and effective instructional practices that focus on the complex skills and strategies of reading, writing, and oral language.
Literacy Leadership Team This school-based team is comprised of at least 6 members, including: the building administration, the literacy coordinator, classroom teachers, and school specialists (reading teachers). The leadership team receives Literacy Collaborative training and should meet monthly to: Plan for effective implementation Make decisions regarding best instructional practices Develop schedules for collecting, submitting and analyzing school assessment data Coordinate initial training and continued professional development Communicate with stakeholders regarding this initiative Coordinate with Lesley University to analyze program successes and needs
Literacy Coordinator The Literacy Coordinator is an integral member of the leadership team and is responsible for training and supporting the Literacy Collaborative initiative. The Literacy Coordinator undergoes an intensive and continuous training process in order to provide teachers with the most current strategies that meet students’ literacy needs.
Literacy Collaborative Instructional Framework (K-8) The framework is designed to specifically meet the needs of primary (K-2) and intermediate (3-8) students through ongoing assessment to inform teacher decision-making. Both frameworks provide best practices in language and literacy instruction and involve the integration of science and social studies content within language arts. Each framework contains 3 foundational components: Language and phonics/word study Reading Workshop Writing Workshop **Oral, Visual and Technological Communication is represented within both frameworks and is considered a 4 th block within the 3-8 framework.**
Literacy Collaborative Primary Instructional Framework (K-2) Language and Word Study: minutes daily Interactive Read Aloud Interactive Writing Modeled/Shared Reading Modeled/Sharing Writing Handwriting Language/Word Play Letter/Word Study Minilessons Oral, Visual, & Technological Communication Communication, Presentation Performance/Drama, Visual Representation Reading Workshop:60-90 minutes daily Guided Reading Independent Literacy Centers Writing Workshop: 60 minutes daily Independent Writing Guided Writing Interactive Writing (small groups) The foundation for this framework is oral language which is fundamental to learning and communicating. (Refer to attachment)
Literacy Collaborative Intermediate Instructional Framework (3-8) This language and literacy framework provides a structure within which teachers help students construct meaning through reading and writing. (Refer to attachment) Language and Word Study: minutes daily Interactive Read Aloud Modeled or Shared Reading/Writing Interactive Edit Reader’s Theater/Process Drama Interactive Vocabulary Choral Reading Handwriting Minilessons Poetry Share Response Text Reading/Writing Word Study Minilessons Current Events Oral, Visual, & Technological Communication Communication, Presentation Performance/Drama, Visual Representation Reading Workshop: 60 minutes daily Book Talk/Minilessons Guided Reading Independent Reading Literature Study Group Share and Evaluation Writing Workshop: 60 minutes daily Writer Talk/Minilessons Independent Writing Guided Writing Investigations Group Share and Evaluation
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