Paper Shaving Animal Bedding Meeting all of your Livestock Bedding Needs and More Quality Horse Products, Springport, MI Springport FFA Chapter
Super Shavings are packaged in a weatherproof heat-sealed plastic bag, for convenient storage. 12 cubic feet of loose Super Shavings is compressed to 3.0 cubic feet, weighing approximately 32 pounds. Brought to you by: Quality Horse Products Packaging
For cushion and coverage, 1 bag of Paper Shavings is comparable to 1 ½ to 2 bags of wood shavings. The amount of Paper Shavings is a personal preference. One bag will bed a 10x12 stall Once the animal moves around the bedding will fluff and build volume. Brought to you by: Quality Horse Products Coverage
Superior absorbency to soak up urine & moisture from manure. Absorbs from the bottom up, maintaining a dry surface on the top. Reduces barn odor. Non-Toxic and non-allergenic. Dust free and wood free. Does not support bacterial growth. Not palatable, but there are no adverse effects if eaten since vegetable based ink is not toxic. Encourages your animal to lie down and rest. Provides a cushioned surface for comfort and health. Economical. Brought to you by: Quality Horse Products Superior Characteristic
Reduces bedding costs due to longer lasting. Reported reduction of fly populations. Biodegradable, excellent fertilizing value due to less nitrogen needed to decompose shavings Free from phenols and acids found in wood bedding products. May be mixed with wood shavings. Excellent cushioning for horses in rehab to prevent pressure sores. **Because it is a light fluffy bedding, we do not recommend use in open faced sheds in high wind areas. Brought to you by: Quality Horse Products Superior Characteristic
Strip the stall Work over the surface to the side walls To remove the wet bedding and manure, use a fork to simply scrape or ‘sweep’ the loose shavings on top to the side to reveal the wet spots and manure. Remove the wet clumps of bedding and manure When bedding an area smaller than a 10' x 12' stall, start with a moderate amount Brought to you by: Quality Horse Products How to Use Shavings
WARRANTY: No warranty, however all previous customers have been satisfied. SERVICE AVAILABILITY: DIRECT MARKETING: Available on weekends with a scheduled pick up time or on weekdays after five Limited delivery within a 50 mile radius Pickups can also be arranged at shows and expos Brought to you by: Quality Horse Products Costumer Service
Price 1-39 bags $7.25/bag 40 + bags $7.00/bag Brought to you by: Quality Horse Products
Competitors CN Sawdust (Rockford)- Same Product $7.00 a bag or $6.75 for 40+ bags Minimum delivery charge of $25.00 Tractor Supply Company-100% wood shavings $ cu ft expands to 5.5 cu ft Wayne Davis Quality Bedding $4.75 for 3 cu ft bed expands to 6 cu ft McCrumb shavings $3.75 per bag with a minimum order of 990 bags (one semi truck load) Brought to you by: Quality Horse Products