James Bowie Timeline By Jaiilyn Recendez
James bowie Jaiilyn on April 5th 1796 James bowie was born. On September 19th Mexico declares independence from Spain On January 1st 1833 Maria died. On October 24th 1835 Texas at Gonzales attack the Mexicans. In 1835 the Texas war of Independence after a year James bowie died in 1836 at the Alamo. Bowie and 20 other man captured 300 Soldados On September 1831 James married Maria on October 2nd 1835 Santa Anna declares himself dictator of Mexico. James bowie defeated a small Mexican force at mission Espada
Facts James Bowie invented the bowie knife James Bowie fought in the Alamo and died James Bowie suffered a lot of deaths his kids died his wife died to