The Impulses Of Samson Judg 13-16 …. The Impulses Of Samson Judg 13-16.


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Presentation transcript:

The Impulses Of Samson Judg …

The Impulses Of Samson Judg 13-16

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Parents’ Plans  Where “seeds of potential” are planted  Manoah & his wife learn of a son 13:2-5  Knew what God had in mind  A Nazirite from birth Num 6  Usually chosen voluntarily…Samson different

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Parents’ Plans  Their prayer 13:8, 12  Prayed to be shown what to do for the boy  Sought to know his “mode of life & vocation”  Very noble requests  Showed they had a deep concern

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Parents’ Plans  Children are a “gift” Psa 127:3  No more sobering thought than to bring children into a cold, harsh, ungodly world  One day, parents must turn children loose  Modern-day parents should imitate Samson’s parents Prov 22:6 Eph 6:4 Col 3:21

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Unwise Choices  Eventually the child grew…decisions made for him now being made by him  The most worrisome part of parenting  Uncharted territory for the child (no experience)  Important to heed parental advice, wisdom

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Unwise Choices Ê His Wife 14:2-4  His parents’ concern was valid, reasonable  Translates to modern dating  Samson’s criteria Ù entirely carnal  Some may object based on v. 4 …not so cp. Gen 37: :20

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Unwise Choices Ë His Conduct 14:5-10 The lion carcass vv. 5-9  Not in killing the lion (God’s spirit on him)  Defiled by the carcass Num 6:6-7 Lev 11:27  Any implications for not telling his parents?

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Unwise Choices Ë His Conduct 14:5-10 The drinking feast v. 10  Nazirites = must have total abstinence from the grape Num 6:3-4  Hebrew word for “feast” = drinking feast  If he didn’t drink, he at least “hosted”

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Unwise Choices Ë His Conduct 14:5-10  Parents want their children’s conduct to reflect the “plans” & prayers they had  Samson was to live in such a way…a “dedicated” & “holy” life Num 6:8

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Unwise Choices Ë His Conduct 14:5-10  His choices don’t appear to reflect such an honorable goal  One’s conduct reflects his priorities in life 1 Pet 1: : :3-4

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Unwise Choices Ì His Companions 16:4-21  One would think after his earlier encounters with Philistine women, Samson would have had enough cp. 14: :1-3  Obviously not…he was “drawn to” others who weren’t helpful but were hurtful

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Unwise Choices Ì His Companions 16:4-21  Delilah didn’t have his best interest at heart  She only wanted to help herself vv. 5, 18  She used her “ways” to help accomplish her goals v. 19

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Unwise Choices Ì His Companions 16:4-21  Samson seemingly “toying” with her re: his strength indicates he wasn’t serious about his God-given blessing vv. 7, 11, 13  “Delilah’s lap” is not hard to find!! (enchanting…extremely dangerous)

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Unwise Choices Ì His Companions 16:4-21  Rightly so…parents are concerned about their children’s companions (friends…dating…marriage)  Wrong influences can be deadly 1 Cor 15:33 Jas 4:4

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Tragic End  The sad ending to Samson’s life story  In the hands of his enemies…at their mercy  Not slaughtering them…but abused, injured and scarred for life 16:21  Why?? 16:20b

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Tragic End  The sad ending to Samson’s life story  His super strength notwithstanding, he continually put himself in bad situations  Eventually, such conduct (“the odds”) will catch up with you cp. Prov 6:27-28

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Tragic End  The sad ending to Samson’s life story  He is now only a “shadow” of what had been planned and prayed for him  Definitely not what his parents had desired  Yes, God still used him 16:22b,  But, did it have to end this way?

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Tragic End  This is precisely what parents worry about  They don’t want to see their children beaten up and abused in “the house of Dagon”  Such is far from their plans & prayers  Samson got to this point because of his choices…one at a time cumulatively

The Impulses Of Samson Judg His Tragic End  Parents (grandparents) have wisdom that should be used  Samson seemed to ignore this 14:3  Look where it got him  Youth = a time to be enjoyed…but also a time to heed instruction Eccl 11: :1a

The Impulses Of Samson Judg Conclusion  Choices we make should be consistent with the kind of life intended for us  God can use us anyway Heb 11:32  However, it will turn out better if we live by principle …not by passion (impulses)

The Impulses Of Samson Judg Conclusion  Will we end up like Samson?  Spend the majority of our time serving ourselves  Find ourselves at the end of our days only an “empty shell” of what we really could be

The Impulses Of Samson Judg Conclusion  His mistakes can be avoided if we live as we should…consistent with the “vow” we’ve made to God as a faithful child

The Impulses Of Samson Judg …