1 Community Plan District 10 Kathryn Bertke Toya Ozark Antoinette Vanderburg
3 Lake County Lake County is located Peninsula, in the northwestern side of Michigan, 80 miles north of Grand Rapids. Lake county consists of 200,000 acres of public-owned land and is intersected by US-10 and M-37.
4 Weaknesses Lower rate of high school graduates and higher education 81.9% high school graduates for Lake County compared to 88.4% in state of Michigan 9.4% Bachelor’s degree or higher compared to 25.3% in Michigan.
5 Weakness Continued 22.5% below poverty compared to 15.7% in Michigan. 35% smoke during pregnancy compared to 19.3% in Michigan High rate of smoking 27% in Lake County compared to 20.3% in Michigan High rate of lung cancer incidence: 93.6/100,000 in Lake County compared to 71.2/100,00 in Michigan.
6 Strengths Low rate of sexually transmitted disease compared to the state of Michigan. Low incidence of asthma compared to the rest of the state. 10.3% in Lake county compared to 15.2% in Michigan. High level of immunization rate in children compared to state of Michigan.
7 Community Diagnosis Risk for increased lung cancer and respiratory diseases in community Among members of Lake County Related to tobacco use in community and during pregnancy As demonstrated by pregnancy smoking rate of 35% and a smoking rate in the general population of 27.0%.
8 Smart Goals S-A decrease in tobacco and an increase in smoking cessation. M-Percentage rate will be identified during the Healthy People 2020 initiative. A-There will be a decrease in rate of tobacco use, however the best outcome will be seen years later. R-The goal is to decrease tobacco use among pregnant women. Education to start early in education prior to legal age of tobacco use. T-Decreased rate of smoking among pregnant women will drop by 10% within ten years.
9 Target Population School age children prior to normal introduction of tobacco use. Start program in seventh grade.
10 Stakeholders American Cancer Society Local Schools Local physicians Community Health Department Respiratory therapists from local hospitals Registered Nurses from local hospitals Parents
11 Interventions Mandatory education classes at beginning of school year, which includes parents Increase physical education during and after school Healthy living support group throughout the year
12 Evaluation Has the interventions been appropriate to address the problem Are the interventions sufficient Any other interventions needed Increase frequency of intervention Evaluate the rate of smoking during pregnancy yearly for the next ten years. Adjust goals and interventions yearly as needed
13 References District Health Department #10. (2013). DHD #10 Community Statistics. In Harkness, G.A., & DeMarco, R.F. (2012). Community and Public health nursing practice: Evidence for Practice. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
14 References Guide to Community Prevention Services (2014). Reducing tobacco use & second-hand smoke exposure. Retrieved from: ml Healthy People. Gov (2013). Leading health indicators. Retrieved from: x x
15 References Lake County (n.d.). Welcome to Lake County, Michigan. Retrieved from: county-michigan.jpg