Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 SECTION OPENER / CLOSER INSERT BOOK COVER ART Section 1.1 Exploring the World of Work
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 WHAT YOU’LL LEARN How to distinguish between a job and a career How your job can affect your lifestyle continued
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 WHAT YOU’LL LEARN Why people work
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 Determining how jobs affect your lifestyle will help you understand the importance of making sound career choices. WHY IT’S IMPORTANT
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 jobcareerlifestyle KEY TERMS
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 It’s time to think about your career options and how to prepare for them. What kind of work will you do? Most people prefer to do work that uses their interests and talents. Exploring the World of Work continued
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 Your talents, or skills, are the things you’re good at, such as drawing, being organized, solving math problems, or dancing. Exploring the World of Work
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 Your interests are your favorite activities. You may like to listen to music, play basketball, or work with computers. Think of jobs that might suit your skills and interests. Exploring the World of Work
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 Is work something people do simply to earn money, or is it something much more? What is Work?
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 A job is work that people do for pay. A career is a series of related jobs built on a foundation of interest, knowledge, training, and experience. Jobs and Careers
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 Many people work at several jobs during their careers. According to current estimates by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American will have more than eight jobs by the age of 32. Jobs and Careers
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 Experience working at different jobs can help you decide on a career path. Jobs and Careers
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 ETHICS in Action Summer Job Your guidance counselor announces a summer job opening at the local newspaper. You want to be a journalist, so the job would be good experience. Your friend is interested in the job because it pays more than her job at a retail shop. continued
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 ETHICS in Action Summer Job You both get good grades and take honors classes, so there is a good chance either of you could get the job. THINK ABOUT IT Will you ask your friend not to apply for the position at the newspaper? Why or why not?
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 Your lifestyle is the way you use your time, energy, and resources. Impact on Lifestyle
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 Your work can determine how much time you have to spend with friends and family and how much money you have to pursue your favorite activities. Impact on Lifestyle
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 Making a list of how you’d like to spend your time, resources, and energy can help you find out the kind of work you’d like to do and the kind of lifestyle you’d like to have. Impact on Lifestyle
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 People work to earn money to pay for: Why People Work HousingTransportationFoodClothes Health Care InsuranceEducationTaxesRecreation
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 People also work because they want to be with other people. They may enjoy being in an environment with people who share the same interests. Why People Work
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 Self-fulfillment is another reason why people work. Working at a job that suits them gives them a feeling of accomplishment. Why People Work
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 Graphic Organizer 1.1 Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work LifestyleLifestyle How you use your energy How you use your resources How you use your time LIFESTYLE
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 Key Concept Checkpoint Comprehension 1.Give an example of one job that a high school graduate with each of the following interests might do: math, music, computers. continued SECTION 1.1 REVIEW
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 Key Concept Checkpoint Comprehension 2.Describe a situation that might cause a person to change his or her main reason for working. continued SECTION 1.1 REVIEW
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 Key Concept Checkpoint Critical Thinking 3.Why is it a bad idea to choose a job just because it pays well? SECTION 1.1 REVIEW
Chapter 1 You and the World of WorkSucceeding in the World of Work Exploring the World of Work 1.1 SECTION OPENER / CLOSER INSERT BOOK COVER ART End of Section 1.1 Exploring the World of Work