T32 Administrative Supplement Shiva Singh, Kris Willis and Lisa Moeller National Institute of General Medical Sciences, NIH
2 Today’s Webinar Agenda T32 Admin Supplement, April 2, :15 pmRemarks by Dr. Jon Lorsch, Director, NIGMS 3:20 pmOverview of T32 Admin Supplement 3:35 pmQ & A Period 4:15 pm Adjourn Questions during the Webinar? Ask online in the “Chat” box located on the right side of your screen (type in your question(s). We will answer them during the Q & A period. Type Here
3 Purpose of the Supplement (PA )(PA ) Curricular activities for graduate students to: Provide a strong foundation in research design and methods in areas related to conducting reproducible and rigorous research. Broaden training to better prepare students for research careers in a variety of venues, such as industry, government or entrepreneurial enterprises. T32 Admin Supplement, April 2, 2015
4 Examples of Curricular Activities* Reproducibility and Rigor: Innovative courses in research design and methods; quantitative and computational skills development; sociology and ethics of science and decision-making. Exposure to Multiple Careers: Skill sets for research careers outside the academic research setting (e.g., project management, industry, government or entrepreneurial enterprises). * Either reproducibility and rigor, multiple careers or both. T32 Admin Supplement, April 2, 2015
5 Eligibility and Number of Applications NIGMS predoc T32 training grant (TG) active at least through June 30, Only one application per institution. Institutions with two or more TGs: cooperate and develop curricula broadly applicable to all trainees. Select one TG, and submit supplement on behalf of the PD(s)/PI(s) of this TG. T32 Admin Supplement, April 2, 2015
6 How to Submit an Application Applications are due by April 30, Two methods of submission possible: 1) Submit electronically using the SF424 application forms and Grants.gov/Apply by clicking on the “Apply for Grant Electronically” button in the FOA. Choose the “Revision” application type on the R&R Cover Form. Program Plan – uploaded under Research Training Program Plan Attachments under “3. Program Plan.” - Or - T32 Admin Supplement, April 2, 2015
7 How to Submit an Application, cont. 2) Log into eRA Commons, identify the parent award and prepare the administrative supplement request.eRA Commons Face page - application in response to: “Availability of Administrative Supplements to NIGMS Predoctoral Training Grants (PA ).” (PA ) Include the Program Plan as a PDF file using the “Add Other Attachments” function. T32 Admin Supplement, April 2, 2015
8 Program Plan (limited to three pages) Brief description of curricular activities and their rationale. List of TGs impacted by the proposed activities. Describe how the new curriculum will enhance and/or complement the existing predoc TG(s) at the institution. Assessment plan. Brief explanation of budget. T32 Admin Supplement, April 2, 2015
9 Review Criteria Likelihood for a sustained, powerful influence on research training? A clearly identified need for proposed curricular activities? Potential impact on the institution’s predoc training? Sound plan to assess, sustain and incorporate into the institution’s predoc training? T32 Admin Supplement, April 2, 2015
10 Budget and Start Date Up to $80,000 direct costs for only 1 year of support. Funds must be expended during the 12-month budget period (no carry over). F&A 8% of modified total direct costs. Fifteen to 20 awards to be made in FY Earliest Start Date July T32 Admin Supplement, April 2, 2015
11 How Can Supplement Funds be Used? Salary support of individuals designing, directing and implementing the proposed activity. Administrative staff salaries, consultant costs, equipment, research supplies, faculty/staff travel and other expenses directly related to the proposed activity. Funds cannot be used to support additional trainee slots. T32 Admin Supplement, April 2, 2015
12 Reporting and Follow-Up Meeting Include information about the activities supported by the supplement in the Parent T32’s annual RPPR. Plan to attend a meeting in Bethesda in early 2017 and present: o An overview of the curricular activities developed. o Results of implementation. o Plans for sustaining and evaluating the impact beyond the award period. T32 Admin Supplement, April 2, 2015
13T32 Admin Supplement, April 2, 2015 Questions and Discussion Dr. Kris Willis, Program Director, GDB, NIGMS Lisa Moeller, Grants Management Officer, DEA, NIGMS Dr. Shiva Singh, Chief, Predoc Training Branch, TWD, NIGMS