HRPD Network Load Balance ZTE grants a free, irrevocable license to 3GPP2 and its Organizational Partners to incorporate text or other copyrightable material contained in the contribution and any modifications thereof in the creation of 3GPP2 publications; to copyright and sell in Organizational Partner's name any Organizational Partner's standards publication even though it may include all or portions of this contribution; and at the Organizational Partner's sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part such contribution or the resulting Organizational Partner's standards publication. ZTE is also willing to grant licenses under such contributor copyrights to third parties on reasonable, non-discriminatory terms and conditions for purpose of practicing an Organizational Partner’s standard which incorporates this contribution. This document has been prepared by ZTE to assist the development of specifications by 3GPP2. It is proposed to the Committee as a basis for discussion and is not to be construed as a binding proposal on contributors. ZTE specifically reserves the right to amend or modify the material contained herein and to any intellectual property of contributors other than provided in the copyright statement above. Contact: Yonggang Fang, Ting Lu, YuanFang Yu, Xiaowu Zhao lu.ting, yu.yuanfang, Recommendation: Review and Adopt
© 2006, ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved. 2 HRPD Load Balance In C , ZTE proposed a load balance mechanism via control of the pilots in the active and candidate set through adjusting PilotAdd and PilotDrop threshold with LoadingAdjust. The contribution is to provide update for this proposal. Background and Motivation
© 2006, ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved. 3 Cells Loading and Loading Adjustment AN collects the loading measurement information of its cell and neighbour cells and broadcast loading adjust. HRPD Load Balancing Proposal AN 1 (Serving) AN 2 Available Capacity Loading AN3 Target Loading SetPoint Loading Adjust = 0
© 2006, ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved. 4 Loading Adjustment If the cell loading is higher than the target loading setpoint, AN will broadcast LoadingAdjust (>0). The more of loading over the target setpoint, the larger value of LoadingAdjust. Otherwise, AN may broadcast the LoadingAdjust = 0. HRPD Load Balancing Proposal
© 2006, ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved. 5 Loading Adjustment Control Active and Candidate Set Adjustment: Use LoadingAdjust to control pilots in active and candidate set –RelativePilot Add = PilotAdd + LoadingAdjust –RelativePilotDrop = PilotDrop + LoadingAdjust AT selects the best links based on the relative PilotAdd and PilotDrop to determine the active and candidate set. DRC Pointing Adjustment: For the pilots from the best links are in the active set, AT will use relative SINR to determine right DRC point and uses the measured SINR to determine the DRC rate. –Relative SINR = Measured SINR - LoadingAdjust HRPD Load Balancing Proposal
© 2006, ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved. 6 Proposed Changes RelativePilot Add = PilotAdd + LoadingAdjust RelativePilotDrop = PilotDrop + LoadingAdjust If DynamicThresholds = 1 RelativeAddIntercept = AddIntercept + LoadingAdjust RelativeDropIntercept = AddIntercept + LoadingAdjust AT shall use RelativePilotAdd and RelativeAddIntercept to determine pilots in the active or candidate set. AT shall use RelativePilotDrop and RelativeDropIntercept to determine pilots dropping from the active or candidate set. HRPD Load Balancing Proposal
© 2006, ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved. 7 Define a new Load Information Message HRPD Load Balancing Proposal FieldLength (bits) MessageID8 SignatureTBD ChannelCount3 ChannelCount occurrences of the following field:{ LoadingAdjustTBD NeighborCount5 NeighborCount occurrences of the following field: { NeighborCellLoadingAdjustTBD } } Reserved0 – 7 (as needed)
© 2006, ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved. 8 Load Information Message (Continued) MessageID: The access network shall set this field to 0x?? Signature: The access network shall change this field if the contents of the LoadInformation message changes. ChannelCount: The access network shall set this field to the number of HRPD channels in this message LoadingAdjust: The access network shall set the loading adjustment of this cell into this field. NeighborCount: The access network shall set this field to the number of HRPD neighbor cells in this message NeighborCellLoadingAdjust: The access network shall set the loading adjustment corresponding to the neighbor cell into this field. HRPD Load Balancing Proposal
© 2006, ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved. 9 Load Information Message (Continued) The order of the (NeighborCell)LoadingAdjust fields is the same order of neighbor cell information of Sector Parameter message. HRPD Load Balancing Proposal
© 2006, ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved. 10 Summary AN broadcasts serving cell and neighbor cells’ loading information AT could use LoadingAdjust to set the relative PilotAdd and PilotDrop and determine the best pilots in active and candidate sets. From the less loading links in the active set, AT determines DRC pointing using relative SINR and determine DRC rate using measured SINR. HRPD Load Balancing Proposal