What is wrong with our world? Gen.3:1-6
1. The great disaster What led to it:- What led to it:- a. Discontent/doubt a. Discontent/doubt - God’s character – v.1 - God’s character – v.1 - God’s word – v.4 - God’s word – v.4 b. Desire – v.6 James1:13-15; 1John2:15-17 b. Desire – v.6 James1:13-15; 1John2:15-17 c. Delusion – v.5 c. Delusion – v.5
What sin is - Not trusting God – his character/word - Not trusting God – his character/word - Rebellion – disobedience - Rebellion – disobedience - Foolishness – we know better - Foolishness – we know better - Inexplicable – why? Jer.2: Inexplicable – why? Jer.2:11-13
2. An illustration of the problem Israel were to trust & obey God – Dt.8:1-3 Israel were to trust & obey God – Dt.8:1-3 Their story shows them: a. Not trusting God a. Not trusting God - when challenges came - when challenges came - when surrounded by other gods - when surrounded by other gods b. Disobedience b. Disobedience
3. Our only hope a. The life of Jesus – trusting/obeying a. The life of Jesus – trusting/obeying - resisting temptation – Mt.4: resisting temptation – Mt.4:1-11 b. The death & resurrection of Jesus b. The death & resurrection of Jesus - taking the consequences of our sin - taking the consequences of our sin - putting us right before God –Rom.5:18,19 - putting us right before God –Rom.5:18,19 - breaking sin’s power over us - breaking sin’s power over us c. The ascension, rule & gift of the Spirit c. The ascension, rule & gift of the Spirit
d. Responding to Jesus 1. Recognize our need – Lk.18: Recognize our need – Lk.18: Look to Jesus – Lk.23:42,43 2. Look to Jesus – Lk.23:42,43 3. Trust & obey – Dt.8:3; Hab.2:4 3. Trust & obey – Dt.8:3; Hab.2:4 Trust God’s character & word Trust God’s character & word 4. Thankfulness – the best preventative medicine for resisting temptation 4. Thankfulness – the best preventative medicine for resisting temptation