Lesson 9: The Impact of the First Persecution Against the Church (5:1-42)
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study A.Ananias and Sapphira lied to God and were sorely punished (5:1-11). 1.Immediately following the selfless example of Barnabas is a self-focused couple. 2.Satan had influenced the couple to lie (to the apostles & God) about the matter (5:3). 3.Ananias and Sapphira were punished immediately for their sin (5:5-10). 4.The impact of this act of discipline was “great fear upon all” (5:5, 11). I.
A.Satan can influence even Christians to great sin, but only if they let him! B.Lying is a horrible sin! C.The growth of the church is directly tied to how the church handles sin in its midst. II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study B.The church continued to grow in number and in influence (5:12-16). 1.“Many signs and wonders” coupled with daily teaching of truth led to great growth. 2.Multitudes of people thronged the streets to experience a miracle from the apostles. I. D.So-called “modern-day healers” should take note – “They were all healed” (5:16). II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study C.The apostles chose, in the face of persecution, to “obey God rather than men” (5:17-32). 1.Apostles were arrested & imprisoned for preaching (5:17-18, 28). 2.An angel freed them and told them, “Go, stand and speak all the words” (5:19-20). 3.Early in the morning, they went back to the same place, preaching the same (5:21). 4.They were found by the authorities in the temple, “standing and teaching” (5:25). 5.The apostles were then taken before the Sanhedrin and (5:28): a)They were reminded of the command not to teach (cf. 4:17-18). b)They were accused of covering all of Jerusalem with the gospel. c)They were accused of trying to put the blood of Jesus’ death on council’s hands. I.
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study C.The apostles chose, in the face of persecution, to “obey God rather than men” (5:17-32). 6.The response of the apostles to “the judges” can be stated in one word: God (5:29-32). a)GOD must be obeyed rather than men (5:29). b)GOD raised up Jesus (whom the Jews murdered) (5:30). c)GOD exalted Jesus to His right hand as Prince and Savior (5:31). d)GOD gave the Jews an opportunity to repent and have forgiveness of sins (5:31). e)GOD gives the Holy Spirit to those who obey Him (5:32). I.
E.When authorities try to suppress Christianity and its message, Christians must act! 1.Man said, “Do not speak” (4:17-18; 5:28, 40). God said, “Go and speak” (5:20). 2.Christians must obey God rather than man! Even if that brings consequences! 3.Christians must not compromise their message to fit the will of men! F.God wants all men to be saved and has graciously given the opportunity to all (5:31). 1.The opportunity to repent & have the remission of sins is a gift from God (cf. 11:18). 2.In the gift of His Son’s sacrifice, God also supplies mankind the motive to repent. II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study D.The Sanhedrin heeded the advice of Gamaliel, a respected scholar of the law (5:33-40). 1.The Sadducee leadership of the Sanhedrin plotted to kill (5:33). 2.Gamaliel, a Pharisee on the council, told them to hold off on their rash action (5:34). a)He was the greatest teacher of his day; Saul of Tarsus was his student (cf. 22:3). 3.Gamaliel pointed to two failed revolutions of the past with this sound conclusion: a)If Christianity is of human origin, it will be overthrown and die eventually. b)If Christianity is of divine origin, it is invincible and there is nothing you can do. 4.Upon accepting Gamaliel’s advice, the Sanhedrin opted for intimidation again (5:40). I.
G.That which is of divine origin, cannot and will not fail (5:39)! 1.God’s church is indestructible (cf. Dan. 2:44; Mt. 16:18-19). 2.God’s word is indestructible (cf. 1 Pet. 1:22-25; Mt. 24:35). 3.To fight against God’s people or God’s word is to fight against God Himself. II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study E.The apostles were undeterred from their mission and maybe even more resolute (5:41-42). 1.They continually rejoiced they were honored to be dishonored for Christ (5:41). 2.Their scourging helped them to prove Christ’s confidence was not misplaced in them. 3.They were determined to obey God and would not be dissuaded by man! 4.They did not stop teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ every day (5:42)! a)They did it publicly. b)They did it privately. I.
H.All who live godly lives in Christ Jesus will suffer shame & persecution (cf. 2 Tim. 3:12)! 1.With faith in God, Christians can triumph & rejoice (cf. 1 Pet. 4:19; Jas. 1:2; 1 Jn. 5:4). 2.By doing God’s will daily (e.g., teaching and preaching), Christians can find true joy! II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding
A.Satan wields a powerful influence, for which we must watch, pray and resist! B.If we conceive sin in our heart, Satan can fill our hearts with full-grown sin! C.God knows how much we make, how much we give and how we view the two amounts! D.Love for the praise of men and for money are powerful forces which we must defeat! E.The words of Christ (“go and teach”) need to be seen in our lives (“going and teaching”)! F.No matter the circumstances or the companions, we must obey God rather than man! G.Let us seek first God’s church, God’s righteousness and God’s will every day of our lives! III. Practical Points of Application for Our Lives