EUSO Atmospheric Monitoring from Space M.Teshima on behalf of the EUSO collaboration MPI für Physik, München (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut)
EUSO Concept Large Distance and Large F.O.V. Large Aperture ~6x10 5 km 2 sr ~6x10 5 km 2 sr Good Cosmic Ray detector 3000 times sensitive to C.R. bursts ~2000 Giga-ton atmosphere ~2000 Giga-ton atmosphere Good neutrino detector All Sky coverage North and south sky covered uniformly. ISS orbit: ~50°inclination. North and south sky covered uniformly. ISS orbit: ~50°inclination. Complementary to the observation from the ground Different energy scale Different energy scale Different systematic errors Different systematic errors Shower Geometry is well defined Constant distance from detector Constant distance from detector Attenuation correction is minimum!!
Atmospheric monitoring in EUSO IR ~10μm CCD camera (256x256), UV CCD Camera IR: Cloud monitor (clould looks colder than the ground temperature) IR: Cloud monitor (clould looks colder than the ground temperature) UV; Detection of lightening and other background, for example, air plane flash UV; Detection of lightening and other background, for example, air plane flash Ground Light Source; Complimentary to Onboard lidar Ground based LIDAR system, stations Ground based LIDAR system, stations Flashers, Hamamatsu L6604 Flashers, Hamamatsu L ground stations + NASA research aircraft P-3B flashes/station can be used for monitoring Onboard LIDAR system Power and mass budget Power and mass budget Effectiveness on the analysis Effectiveness on the analysis Current Baseline design Current Baseline design one color 1064nm LIDAR system, 50mJ/100Hz, 140kg, 300W Blind LIDAR for EUSO Information Information top of thick cloud altitude Thin cloud transmission at 1000nm
Flasher and the intensity Integrated transmission can be measured Hamamatsu L6604 ~1J/shot
Flasher Image on EUSO FS ~30Hz flash rate 0.05 deg / flash Total ~1000 flashes EUSO FOV EUSO ~16km/s
50mJ Nd: YAG Ground LIDAR Define beam intensity in each laser path by G.B.L. Transmissions between space and various altitude Simulate shower track Check reconstruction quality Check reconstruction quality End to end experimental calibration End to end experimental calibration 10stations ~1/day
Lidar Image on EUSO FS 100Hz shot rate 0.01 deg / shot Total ~3000 shots Good simulation for Cherenkov + fluorescence EUSO ~16km/s EUSO FOV